New Zealand has been put under a snowy spell (at least the high ground and much of the South Island – check out this stunning aerial picture). Even parts of greater Wellington were covered in white (visit Domestic Executive and Latte Junkie for their snow experiences). If I didn’t have school holiday dance classes to […]
Catching ourselves some friendly ions
Wind and madness come hand in hand, it’s scientifically proven… ‘The Evil Wind Wind puts people in a bad mood as studies have shown that more fights, crimes, heart attacks and other ills occur when there is an ill wind blowing. The reason is the positive ions produced by these winds. In the case of […]
My heart is like a barometer
Wellington you have me wrapped around your little finger. My heart is a pressure valve, fluctuating in feeling like a barometer. I used to tolerate your moods a little better, when I had the freedom to escape at pleasure. Now I am trapped, with my young charges. They have a hold on my time. I […]
Silent & Wordless Sunday
Solstice – New life after the longest night: Lyrical Sunday
The longest night, many moons ago, Was bitter cold, with snow on distant ranges. I wrapped my arms around my swollen middle, Overly expectant. I gazed up at the blanket sky, Dazzled with star light, Wondering when my new life would begin. Stirring deep within my womb, Full of life against the winter gloom. As […]
Full Moon & a mid-winter dip!
Glorious weather, from the warmest Autumn on record, has rolled into Winter (though we’re warned to make the most of the sunshine whilst it lasts!). My daughters didn’t hold back when the sun came out in warm splendour yesterday. They had such fun frolicking in the surf at Lyall Bay, skipping seaweed and throwing a […]
Running away with the circus…
‘I can’t wait to go to circus school! Only one more year till I am 8,’ Charlotte enthused to the man supporting her as she balanced on the cog wheel. We were at the Petone Winter Carnival and the Wellington Circus Trust was there giving children and adults an opportunity to run away with the […]
‘Beaut bike ride home. Wellington is the best city. Ever.’
This was Dan’s tweet on Twitter on his bike ride home last night. He said he just had to stop and take a photograph as it was so awesome. Wellington is great at throwing us days like this to keep us going through the winter. Days that make you stop in your tracks and feel […]
Signs of spring to combat the viruses
Back to back viruses continue to plague us, but nothing too severe – just enough to keep one or both children home from school and kindi. We’re into week 3 of term 3 and I’ve had either Charlotte, Sophie, or both the girls home, whilst not feeling great myself with a persistent sore throat and […]
Winter sunshine makes for lots of fun
When the sun is out, there is so much fun to be had in the great outdoors of New Zealand. Even though we live in a city (well in a suburb a 10-minute drive from the city) we have plenty of nature within our grasp. Whilst Charli was working hard at school and earning certificates […]
Sunshine and winter bugs
Photo credit: DAN LEE – View from Princess Bay, Wellington We have been pretty lucky so far this winter on the bugs front, but of course the incessant background talk of swine flu makes us nervous at every cough and sneeze (and has made us diligent, over paranoid hand washers). On Saturday morning we woke […]
Winter Carnival Fun
The two-week school hols came to a grand finale this weekend with the Petone Winter Carnival. After a fortnight of mostly grey skies and days spent at the local swimming pool, or rugged up at home, we were in raptures to see blue sky on Saturday and Sunday. We did have some fun over the […]
Mid Winter Antics
Winter’s Coming
Today was the last day before the clocks go back, and winter well and truly sets in. You’d never know it though.