The past few days in Wellington have witnessed the destructive force of nature at a magnitude not seen in decades. Debris litters the south coast, with sand dunes and sea walls obliterated, trees torn from their roots, slabs of concrete cracked and moved like putty in a giant’s hands. Many thousands of people have been…
Tag: wild weather
Wellington was definitely WILD at heart last night!
Loving this twitter #storm #party in #wellington tonight! Still got power & iPhone charged to 100%, so I'm up for a big one! — Sarah Lee (@BritMumInNZ) June 20, 2013 If this storm was in any other nz city, it would have destroyed everything. Here any things built flimsy blew away years ago. #storm13 —…
Beauty (& The Beast) | The Photo Gallery
For this week’s ‘The Photo Gallery’ theme of ‘Beauty’ I stepped out in the sunshine before the storm with my daughters. I love to watch the weather change and Wellington has plenty of great vantage points (and rapidly changing weather!). Below is a storm cloud, sitting over the north of the South Island – before…
Loving Slices of Life from my photos a day for June 10 – 15
10 JUNE | BEST THING ABOUT MY WEEKEND Last weekend, seeing my hubbie enjoy one-on-one time with each of his three daughters was the highlight of my weekend. Personally, I was feeling tired, recovering from a cold, a little wobbly with PMT and not up to much at all. I was so grateful to him…