It’s been a full house this week, with Charlotte off school for ‘Founders Weekend’ on Monday and Tuesday – and then home the rest of the week on doctor’s orders, with a terrible cough. She’s been very tired with the cough and suffered from a few nose bleeds too, but despite all this, she’s been…
Tag: Things I’m Loving
Loving natural learning in the sun
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for… no matter how simple it is. There’s a park called Avalon through the mists of Lower Hutt, Where fairy like folk play when the sun is in the sky. There’s no lady in…
Things I’m Loving
The days are getting longer and warmer. The time for playing outdoors is returning. Down-time after school and work is easier in the evening sunshine (except I have to remember a larger, random collection of items in the boot of the car for various impromptu play opportunities on the beach, in the sea or at…
Things I’m Loving… News with a silver lining
There’s a hint of spring in the air this week in Wellington and it’s something to love. This time last year it snowed in Wellington, a once in fifty year event. At Wellington Zoo, vets took care of an Emperor Penguin discovered on Peka Peka beach, a very long way from home. It seems the…
Things I’m Loving – Visitors to Welly from Napier!
It’s been a lovely week of new friendships. We’ve had Jen, and her son Billy, staying with us all week from sunny Napier (though she tells me they’d seen nothing but rain for the past couple of weeks). Wellington has only thrown them one seriously typical weather day – the rest has been calm with…
Things I’m Loving | School Holidays
Loving… ⤠Open, friendly and welcoming neighbours, with children that play easily with my children. It’s great to see the children running in and out of each others homes, enjoying their unstructured time together in safety and comfort. ⤠Quotes like this that crop up on my Facebook feed… ⤠Friends that visit and take us as…
Things I’m Loving: Winter colours, fun with my girls & celebrating!
Loving the colours of the winter sun reflecting on the waves rolling in at Lyall Bay on Wednesday evening… And this photograph, my oldest daughter – Charlotte – took, of a plane circling into land at Wellington airport. I love the billowing clouds tinged with the pink and purple colours of the setting sun. Love…
Loving Slices of Life from my photos a day for June 10 – 15
10 JUNE | BEST THING ABOUT MY WEEKEND Last weekend, seeing my hubbie enjoy one-on-one time with each of his three daughters was the highlight of my weekend. Personally, I was feeling tired, recovering from a cold, a little wobbly with PMT and not up to much at all. I was so grateful to him…
Loving… New Zealand You Have My Heart
Wherever this life of mine takes me, I feel certain I’ll always have a pull to New Zealand. I fell in love on the first visit, as I flew from Auckland to Wellington taking in the expanse of green, undulating land, surrounded by ocean. Geographically it is so far away from the rest of the…
Things I’m Loving & Rounding Up Photo a Day MAY 23 – 31
LOVE the surprise of a huge pile of sand on the beach (that appeared literally over night down at Lyall Bay). Photo a Day MAY | 25th | UNUSUAL LOVE seeing Charlotte and Sophie team up and learn to play a few tunes together on their recorders (which were a Christmas present, at least two…
Things I’m Loving: Reading, Yoga & Romance!
There’s nothing like an approaching wedding anniversary on the calendar to stir up romance, memories and reflection in the marital home. Thirteen years of marriage we will celebrate next week and nearly twenty years of knowing one another. The traditional ‘gift’ for thirteen years is ‘lace’, which is perfect timing for the stage we’re at…
Things I’m Loving this ‘Photo A Day MAY’ | Snack | Something I Made
LOVING these scrumptious berry muffins I made today, which were a lovely snack for a young house guest, Sophie, Alice and I. The berries were so warm as the muffins came out of the oven that I couldn’t resist adding a little dollop of vanilla bean ice-cream on the side when I served them. And…
Week in the life | Friday & Things I’m Loving
It’s been a strange week of documenting every slice of life for ‘Week in the life‘ – but great to reflect and observe our life too. Today it’s raining. I’m tired. Alice was awake for a couple of hours in the night (again) – over stimulated probably – late to bed (she’s making up for…
Things I’m Loving – Birthday Weekend Chillaxing!
I have been counting my blessings indeed this weekend. What more could I have possibly wished for – sunshine, a loving healthy family, a weekend away from the chores and the cooking (and the endless cleaning up), chocolate, bubbly, fun and laughter. It was everything I could have wished for and more (especially after the…