Last weekend we spent in one of my favourite places, Martinborough in the Wairarapa. It’s a favourite because of its accessibility from Wellington. Only an hour or so to get there (give and take the traffic and driving conditions on the Rimutaka Hill). It’s a place where I feel light and free to unwind, with…
Tag: The Photo Gallery
Landscapes of autumn from Wellington
The seagulls flock together at dusk, thankful for a calm evening, after a torrid week of storms. On the high hills, of the greater Wellington region, the wind catches on the cliff edge, strong enough to lean into and imagine one could fly. In the Botanical Garden of the capital city the deciduous trees beckon…
The Photo Gallery | One Day in May
May in New Zealand is a month of shorter days and candle-lit nights, a month of celebrating mothers on Mother’s Day and cross-country running. It’s a month when the colours of a summer well spent are trying desperately to cling on – but fading with every short day of light and howling storm. I love…
The Photo Gallery | Colour – on my Birthday
There has been colour from afar, by way of gifts and cards, and colour near to me, by way of nature, food and art. There has been colour in my children’s creations and in the candles, lit to warm the dark. I have been spoiled with loving gifts and thoughts this week, in celebrating my…
Three daughters, all at school! A VERY new chapter!
After twelve years of being a very full-time stay at home Mummy (including three and a half years homeschooling my middle daughter, whilst caring for my third born from home all her first five years, and fifteen months living in the USA, where all three daughters were homeschooled) I am now the very proud (and…
Poignant moments from my week in Black and White: The Photo Gallery
Black and white is the theme this week on ‘The Photo Gallery’ and it is especially poignant as I struggle to let my youngest child ‘go’, and settle her into school. I feel like my wild butterfly is being closed up in a box, of sorts, and having her wings clipped. The vibrant colours of…
Life is a changing!
There have been so many momentous changes in our family life this year so far. This week, by far, has been the biggest. I have experienced, for the first time in nearly twelve years, having all three of my daughters AT SCHOOL! I have soooo many feelings about this. My emotions are on a non-stop…
The Photo Gallery | Colour
It’s been a wonderful past week of celebrations. February is such a busy month for Birthdays (not just in our family, but so many friends too!)… May must be the month for ‘lurve’ is all I can say! Here’s a gem of a photo from our youngest daughter’s 5th Birthday party (still coming to terms…
Playing in the Wellington heat wave
It’s been scorching in Wellington this past week (and after acclimatising to warmer temperatures in our year and a bit living in southern California) hubby and I have been LOVING it! This was my view the other day (from the shelter of a beach tent – weighted down with driftwood) of my hubby and youngest…
The Photo Gallery | Me
The ‘Me’ I am today, in 2015, as a forty year old parent to three daughters, is a very different ‘Me’ to who I was eleven year’s ago, before I became a parent. I wouldn’t have hesitated to head out the door then – for a run, a kayak, a night out, a weekend away –…
Christmas & my Pohutukawa Fairy!
We’ve got the tree up and are feeling festive. The Christmas CD’s have been dusted off and we’ve had our first sing along around the piano. The weather (it’s supposed to be summer in New Zealand now) is very northern hemisphere… with a few days of sunshine to remind us that summer is ‘here’, it’s…
My Babies | The Photo Gallery
The theme on ‘The Photo Gallery‘ is ‘Babies’ and I couldn’t resist a trip down memory lane… Each of them entered this world with a unique birth story (as we all do!), which I do think has contributed some what to their personalities. They were made with the love of my husband and I, both of…
The Photo Gallery | Light
A sunset on a Saturday, at beautiful Princess Bay, on Wellington’s South Coast. The gift of light, in all its entirety – from dawn to dusk and every filtered stream in-between. The luminescent glow of light, reflected off the greenest canopy, in the New Zealand bush. Light filtering through the canopy, to shine on a…
Autumn | The Photo Gallery
Our last month in Santa Barbara, California, coincided with the start of the ‘Fall’ season (though the temperatures and local foliage were hardly indicators of autumnal weather!). With only weeks left, before our return to Wellington, New Zealand, (just in time for spring) I definitely felt the need to indulge in some autumnal fair before…