Like her mother, she loves it with passion – only I grew up in England, eating Marmite of a different nation. This is Kiwi Marmite, home grown in this land – The real monty for a Kiwi born girl. Sad truth is, the New Zealand factory – was destroyed in the Christchurch earthquake. News of […]
the gallery
The Photo Gallery | Sunshine
Autumn leaves have neared their fall, on the deciduous trees that populate Wellington’s hills. Longer nights, shorter days, but still the sunshine is bright in the ever changing sky. Too often, with young children, I miss the sunsets of the summer months – all to frequently getting my tribe to bed – apart from the […]
The Gallery: Picture Postcard
The theme over on the Sticky Finger’s blog, for ‘The Gallery‘ this week, is ‘Picture Postcard’. It was so hard to pick one from my recent photographs. In the end I decided upon this ostrich! I just love the big eyes and lashes, the long neck and inquisitive beak. It could have been taken anywhere. […]
The Gallery: Easter
My enduring memory of Easter Sunday 2012 will not be the excited sounds of children and chocolate, or the frustration at having to mediate over a fair collection of hidden eggs in the garden (to which I sulked off in annoyance at the ungratefulness and read the Easter story, out loud). My enduring memory will be […]
The Gallery: At Peace
In the reflection of the mirror, at the top of the stairs, I stopped to stare. Carried in my arms, my baby once, now a little girl talking, jumping and dancing. So caught up in the world around her, fighting off sleep, not wanting to miss a beat. She’d succumbed to sleep, finally surrendered, sat […]
The Gallery: Extreme Close Up
When nature reveals its beauty in such a way, my mind cannot possibly comprehend what my eyes see. It is miraculous, beautiful, incredible, literally breathtaking. A child cannot help but want to reach out and touch – as if to convince their mind that what they see is in-fact real. I almost have to pinch […]
Colour: The Gallery
In a dreary, cloudy, week of rain in Wellington, there has still been a splash of summer colour to brighten our days. The best being this sunflower, which finally came into bloom (never mind we’re now in Autumn in New Zealand!). I snapped this photo, whilst negotiating children into the car in the rain, on […]
The Gallery: Light
I baked these biscuits on Monday and, to celebrate the making, took this photograph, outside in the natural light filtering through the trees in my garden. I love how light casts its glow. I kept moving the plate around in my hand, watching the light fall in different ways on the biscuits. That same day […]
The Gallery: Landscapes – from Stonehenge Aotearoa
Set on the expansive landscape of the rural Wairarapa, where big skies, wide valleys and small towns full of character lie, is Stonehenge Aotearoa. A marvellous full-scale working adaption of England’s Stonehenge, located just outside of Carteton, an hours drive from Wellington. ‘It incorporates ancient Egyptian, Babylonian and Indus Valley astronomy, Polynesian navigation, and Celtic […]
The Gallery: A Family Story
The Gallery: My Photography Resolutions
The Gallery this week has challenged us to think about our photography resolutions for the year. Unfortunately I’ve been having too much fun to put into practice resolutions (or think of any) and have been merrily snapping away when opportunities allow (and children). Last night, I enjoyed looking through the posts on ‘The Gallery’ and […]
The Photo Gallery: Eyes
As my Godmother recently commented on another photograph of my dear Miss 6, ‘What ARE you going to do with her?!’. Quite right. Answers on a postcard please… Her eyes speak mischief and glint with a wild streak. She thinks she knows best and would love to live by her own set of rules, on […]
The Gallery: Phone Photos
This week on ‘The Gallery‘ Tara has asked us to share a photo we’ve taken on our phone. So many of my snaps are taken on my camera phone – as taking my nice camera out in tow with my three crazy daughters is often done ‘at risk’ of either the camera being damaged – […]
On the 1st of December from my kitchen window I did see!
I stood in my favourite corner of the kitchen, close to the kettle and the coffee bean grinder. The smell of freshly baked biscuits, and a Christmas scented candle, laid out on a Pohutukawa napkin, greeted me. I looked through the window, the blue sky carrying the promise of a great summer. And there, hanging […]