This morning Sophie, Alice and I had a very special visit to our wonderful little Zoo in Wellington. Frances, who is happily living at our place, didn’t have any work on this morning and chose to join us – which was wonderful. She took heaps of photographs (normally I get to hide behind the camera […]
Here Come the Girls: The Gallery Week 30
Girls run strong in my family. I am one of two girls, just like my mother and her mother was one of SEVEN girls! My husband’s brother and sister each have three sons. We have three daughters. I would have been beheaded or divorced in Henry VIII time! Saturday at the beach after a Birthday […]
Happy to have my sisters home
Ah goo! I am Alice. I am five and a half month’s old and probably the world’s youngest blogger (chuckle, chuckle). I just had to have a turn dribbling over Mummy’s Mac, as I’ve spent my whole life being fed in front of it whilst she types one handed, or napping on her shoulder to […]
Alice is nearly two week’s old and her big sisters are making her very welcome. Alice is only awake for very short periods throughout the day, so they really have to make the most of the time when her bright eyes are open. They’ve been so good for us. I’ve been making an effort to […]
Fun in the sun
It’s been a scorcher today and after our Saturday morning ritual of Charli’s swim class and splash fun after with Sophie and Dan, the girls had great fun in the garden (thanks to Dan for mowing the lawn first and getting the water-slide out from the depths of the garage)… I’d usually be in the […]
Alice Rose, such a little charmer
Six day’s on and we’re doing great. Alice is feeding well, calm, placid and a little charmer. She’s already worked her magic on Charli and Sophie, who are absolutely besotted with her. Of course Dan and I have felt exhausted for much of the week, but now it’s the weekend and we’ve both had a […]
Jealousy and Affection: Sophie’s Nearly Two!
Sophie, at two month’s shy of her second Birthday, today demonstrated what I knew was on the horizon. What was to be our regular, pleasurable afternoon visit to the local playground turned into misery for Sophie and I. Jealousy struck at the heart of Sophie’s emotions and she was in despair. Charlotte, now an independent, […]
To my girls
Dear Charlotte, You are now four and make me prouder by the day. You are so brave and strong. When you fall you pick yourself up quickly and say, ‘I’m okay!’. You don’t want sympathy (even though I’ve always offered you my open arms to comfort you) and I admire your strong resolve to pick […]
To My Big Kindi Girl!
A letter to Charlotte, two month’s shy of four year’s old: My dear Charlotte, I am so very proud of you. You have been to Kindergarten independently for three sessions. I knew you could do it, you just needed to believe it for yourself. These past weeks you have been oblivious to my presence at […]
Lessons with Charlotte
Big sister Charlotte has been busy showing me the art of sand pouring and taking the lid on and off the play dough.
Three and a Quarter
In the past month my life has changed dramatically, the reason being is that Sophie is now mobile (horrors!).