Midnight on Thursday Alice was sick – I thought it was just the spag bog (quite a rich sauce), but it’s now Saturday morning and she’s still not holding down much. She must be getting some fluids through – as she’s not being sick straight after drinking (and she’s breastfeeding too), but every two to […]
PROUD of my family for fighting the spew!
The theme this week on ‘The Gallery’ is ‘Something I Am Proud Of‘. At first I thought how proud I am of my small boobs for breastfeeding three children past two year’s of age (yes, Alice is going strong and will still be feeding – without a doubt – come her second Birthday in three […]
Alice at 7 weeks: Sharing the love (and the milk!)
The badge of honour – baby sick on the shoulder – is one Mummy is wearing frequently of late. Alice is seven week’s old today and looking plumptiously scrumptious. She’s feeding like a champ and has a big appetite. Mummy has been completely soaked to the skin several times due to her over-feeding (cheers Alice)! […]