⤠Loved seeing a beautiful seal pup on the city waterfront on Monday morning. ⤠Loved my girls all playing so well together this first week of their two week school holiday. The weather, though being mostly horrible till Thursday evening, finally reminded us what blue sky looks like. Through the rain, I was thankful for living […]
school holidays
Sisters on ice in Wellington
We thought we’d get in early on the ice rink. School holidays were a week off, the weather forecast was for rain, the rink ought to be fairly quiet – or so we thought. We had forgotten something important – Wellingtonians have energy, passion and drive. They are not generally people who miss an opportunity. […]
Silent Sunday
Winter school hols are rolling on
New Zealand has been put under a snowy spell (at least the high ground and much of the South Island – check out this stunning aerial picture). Even parts of greater Wellington were covered in white (visit Domestic Executive and Latte Junkie for their snow experiences). If I didn’t have school holiday dance classes to […]
Things I’m Loving… from the Easter school holidays
It’s the end of the Easter school holidays here in New Zealand and what a way to finish up – with a royal wedding and all! It really was such a gorgeous wedding. A wonderful celebration of hope and optimism. So lovely to see London awash with the colour of flags and the sounds of […]
Things I’m Loving: This long Easter weekend…
Loving the most INCREDIBLE sunsets on the stunning Kapiti Coast. Loving that so much pleasure can be drawn from NATURAL toys – pebbles, driftwood, flowers in the sand dunes. LOVING playing in the surf, a stone’s throw (literally) from the beach house we’re staying in. Loving the CREATIVITY that springs forth when time permits. This […]
You know it’s the school holidays when the weather does this…
It’s that time of year when the weather toys with us and we flit from board games and bagels to ice-creams and boules at the speed of a flying frisbee in a southerly gale. Last night the chest of board games was dusted off, hardly touched since last winter. Charlotte and Sophie reveled in the […]
Four Seasons – Summer
I’m linking up with Lou of Seaside Siblings for ‘Four Seasons‘ this week, as in the past few weeks we’ve really been having a blast in the season of ‘Summer’. The school holidays come to an end on Thursday, when the school bell will call us to attention for a 9am start every day (for […]
Too good to blog… but couldn’t resist a ‘quick one’!
The days are long, the nights hot (don’t get too excited – sticky children limpet style in bed rather than honeymoon style passion), the views are breathtaking, the beaches plentiful and quiet, the cafes and eateries plentiful, uniquely special, child-friendly and relaxed. We are half way through a wonderful, much anticipated and awaited holiday. When […]
Water babes are LOVING having their Daddy home :)
There’s barely been a day in the past week when our girls haven’t been playing in water (thankfully out of choice, not due to flooding – poor Queensland, Australia is in awful strife). We’ve been keeping out of the midday sun and heading to the local swimming pool – or Dan’s taken the girls further […]
Daddy & Daughter Time
Charlotte & Dan enjoyed a very special Daddy & daughter time one Sunday evening at the beginning of the school holidays. I booked them on a special, guided night walk at Zealandia: The Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. It was for children aged 7 to 12, accompanied by an adult, and I thought it would be a […]
Mid-winter? You have to be kidding!
Dear Weather Gods, THANK YOU for listening and blessing the second week of the school holidays with such AMAZING weather! It has been so easy to enjoy this week with such fine weather days. I have been ridiculously sleep deprived, but the Vitamin D dose has kept me going. Thursday was heaven sent and after […]
Loving… sunshine on the winter school hols!
Sunshine Sunday with a beautiful coastal walk only a stone’s throw from our front door…. Seeing my girls come alive in the fresh air and baby Alice take a nap for the first time in the buggy (what a light relief for Mummy! She’s getting a tad heavy in the front pack these days!). A […]
Surviving winter school holiday blues
We’re nearing the end of the first week of the school holidays and it started out like a battle for survival. Monday was a shock to the system, with dismal weather forecast for the week, one ill baby and two children thrown out of kilter with all their routines dashed. Normally I would have got […]