My little ‘Wellington Wild Thing’ | exploring the great outdoors

The weather in Wellington this summer school holidays has so far been very kind to us and it’s been perfect for getting outdoors and exploring the copious number of regional parks, town belts walks and nature centres. Having my parents to visit, all the way from the UK, has been an extra motivator to get […]

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Things I’m Loving | School Holidays

Loving… ❤ Open, friendly and welcoming neighbours, with children that play easily with my children. It’s great to see the children running in and out of each others homes, enjoying their unstructured time together in safety and comfort. ❤ Quotes like this that crop up on my Facebook feed… ❤ Friends that visit and take us as […]

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A few things I’ve loved this week…

❤ Loved seeing a beautiful seal pup on the city waterfront on Monday morning. ❤ Loved my girls all playing so well together this first week of their two week school holiday. The weather, though being mostly horrible till Thursday evening, finally reminded us what blue sky looks like. Through the rain, I was thankful for living […]

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