He came, he went, he came again. Rascal rabbit is living up to his name. After causing us one sleepless night back in January, when he went missing for 24 hour’s and was later found in a neighbour’s backyard, he has done it again! This time he went missing for not one, but two night’s […]
rascal rabbit
Easing into 2010
Five day’s into 2010… The weather in Welly is being a tad dicey for us, but we’re grabbing the good and sheltering from the bad (wild winds + late pregnancy hormones = unpredictable mother who should come with a ‘handle with care’ label). Monday morning on Oriental Parade was entertaining in high winds – cycling […]
Zippity Zoo
They have all the fun at Kindi. This morning was Sophie’s Kindi Christmas Party. They had an awesome spread of party food (we were on sausage roll duty, which meant taking them out the freezer to defrost at 7am and getting them in the oven ready for the party). The entertainment was provided by the […]
Rascal Rabbit let loose in the garden
We have Rascal the rabbit from Kindi for the weekend (again!). This will be the third time this term and we all enjoy having him. He didn’t have anyone to take him home so we volunteered. We’ve let him out in the garden for the first time… Daddy-O is on rabbit watch as I type. […]
Rascal the rabbit comes to stay
There was great excitement on Friday as we brought Rascal the rabbit home from Kindi. We’d been looking forward to it all week (though I was a little nervous that he’d live up to his name). We knew about his liking for cables, so cleared those away from sight. Anna, one of Sophie’s teachers, reassured […]