Prose for Thought | ‘Bring it On’ – a parody of ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen, for a friend turning forty x

The time moves forward on the hourglass tonight – Not a frown line to be seen. A kingdom of inspiration, and it looks like you’re the Queen. The date is here now, on the winding path of life – Cannot hold it back; Heaven knows I’ve tried! So bring it on! Open the door! Be […]

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Prose for Thought | First Touch of the Pacific

It’s been just over a week since we landed in L.A. We are settling in, doing all the usual necessities of any new expat; setting up bank accounts, getting ourselves some wheels, getting to know the money, the shops, the food and become accustomed to the climate (which, as we already anticipated, is very favourable). […]

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Prose for Thought | In Transition – Preparing for an international move (whilst the ground shakes beneath us!)

It’s pretty crazy in beautiful New Zealand right now. We’ve had some big wobbles in the shaky isles, which have been rather unnerving – but that goes with the territory here! This map, from GeoNet, shows all the quakes from Friday 21 July up until earlier today (Tuesday)… Pretty crazy amount of activity. We live […]

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