This gorgeous fantail found its way through my kitchen door, up the stairs and into my daughter’s bedroom. She loves nature and was enchanted by our little visitor. We often have birds coming into our home, living surrounded by trees and native bush, but they usually stay in the living room and don’t venture as […]
Some recent loves!

The past week and a half we’ve seen spring drift into autumn, with the weather pendulum swinging more erratically. Hot days, reminiscent of the record summer that we’ve had still linger, as the nights draw in, interspersed with sudden plunges in temperature and days of rain and wind. Our learning days are changing along with the season, as indoor […]
Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Marlborough Wine Festival & Cigna Round The Bays!

What a great week! We’ve celebrated hubby’s 45th Birthday, our youngest daughter’s 8th Birthday and felt the love on Valentine’s Day, appreciating the amazing community of friends and neighbours that we and our children are blessed to have in our lives. Valentine’s Day fell on a Wednesday this year, which is my favourite day of […]
Gone bush | Prose for Thought

I’ve been really enjoying having my youngest daughter around at home a lot more and we have been spending time reading books out loud and drawing, taking bush walks and playing around on the piano, doing head stands and dancing, essentially being in the moment, together, and it’s been wonderful. I think all this ‘play’ […]
School holiday crescendo #NaPoWriMo #Prose4T

It’s school holidays here and so my usual hobbies are naturally taking a back seat. Not much time for writing and running, but the day 17 prompt on the 2016 National Poetry Writers Month website caught my interest yesterday. The prompt was; ‘Find, either on your shelves or online, a specialized dictionary. Now write a poem that […]
Seeking Renewal in Autumn – a poem as the clocks turn back

The days are shorter, closing in, I DEFY them to dampen my mood, (shouting loudly to the sun, setting earlier each night). After all, the weather is still fine, outdoor pursuits remain inviting, I just need to better manage my time, (or start wearing a head torch). I fill my house with candles, repeating an […]
You lit up the sky… a poem | Day 1 #NaPoWriMo

It’s National Poetry Writing Month (or Global Poetry Writing Month)! This is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April (more information here). I’m not much of a poet, but I do enjoy trying to capture what I see and feel in words. I haven’t written […]
Prose for Thought – Halloween

Halloween last year was as it should be – in the northern hemisphere, in autumn (albeit living in Santa Barbara, California, wasn’t quite the northern hemisphere type of Halloween I remembered from my apple bobbing youth growing up in England, UK). It was lovely to be living somewhere where pumpkins were plentiful (as we experienced […]
Instagram love – a poem
There are days when it’s hard to leave the house not worth exchanging p-jays for a blouse. To motherhood I surrender, with love – yet the coop I escape from, like a dove. Adventures I yearn for, without a care just my own body and soul laid bare. To Instagram I fly, fleetingly so – […]
Some days…
There are days when the sun shines, but no part of it shines in me, There are days when my heart aches, and my head fights to make it see – This feeling inside is nonsense, though it seems to control me. I run, even though I don’t feel like running, turning off the voices […]
Prose for Thought | ‘Bring it On’ – a parody of ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen, for a friend turning forty x
The time moves forward on the hourglass tonight – Not a frown line to be seen. A kingdom of inspiration, and it looks like you’re the Queen. The date is here now, on the winding path of life – Cannot hold it back; Heaven knows I’ve tried! So bring it on! Open the door! Be […]
Prose for Thought & Writer’s Workshop | Something new I’m loving: I’m becoming a runner
There’s running gear going through the wash every day, I’ll skip a latte for a smoothie or water. The wine in the fridge is staying put longer, When I sleep, it’s with complete mind-body exhaustion. I do stretches at random moments in the day, and play my children at tag with greater guile. I greet […]
New | The Photo Gallery
New is the hummingbird sun-catcher, hanging from the tree. New is the hummingbird feeder, dangling near by. New is this scene, just for a year, in a house in Santa Barbara, where all the nature is new to my eyes. Time in this house, with my three children, is ample, Sometimes it feels a prison, […]
A place with no real weather | Prose for Thought
Dare I say, ‘I’m getting used to this place’? Where the weather barely changes – apart from the length of light in a day. Where clouds are cause for exclamation – and rain is a rare, yet welcome, distraction. I’ve come from a place that knows big weather, where a person learns to dress in […]