Linking up with…
Wordless Sunday – ‘Black and White’
This week’s theme is ‘Black and White’ and is being hosted at the wonderful blog of Meghan – ‘Exploring Beauty with MNM’s‘.
Silent Sunday
Things I’m Loving
Loving this gorgeous photo-canvas hanging on our wall, from Bags of Love: The photograph was taken by Dan one stunning evening at Princess Bay at the end of summer. We don’t get to spend many evenings watching the sunset together these days, but when we do it’s always unforgettable in the best possible way (so […]
Silent Sunday
Silent Sunday: Fun in the Laundry Basket
It’s snowing like you wouldn’t believe…
in England (and in parts of Australia!). Here in New Zealand we’re thinking of our northern hemisphere loved ones as we snip, decorate and paste paper snowflakes on the windows. My wonderful sister’s boyfriend, Mike Hutton, sent me this photograph of my father and sister at The Roaches, near where Claire and Mike live in […]
The Gallery: White
‘I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… just like the ones I used to know…’ But actually, I’m not! Though I still love that song and it does make me feel all squishy and nostalgic. In our garden we have plenty of white, but of the flowering variety. I find my eye is especially drawn to […]
The Gallery: ‘Black and White’ mourning the loss of twenty nine brave souls
The theme on ‘The Gallery‘ this week is ‘Black and White‘. I had lots of ideas for this, from piano keys to black ink on a white page, but the saddest news has shadowed all my thoughts. Since Friday the whole of New Zealand has been caught up in the plight of twenty nine miners […]
Shades of red from New Zealand: The Gallery
This week’s theme on the wonderful ‘Gallery’ is ‘The Colour Red’ (with an optional Halloween twist). It wasn’t until I started looking back on all our photographs that I realized how evocative a colour it is and how all colours hold so many different memories. I have spent so much longer than I ought to […]
Wordless Wednesday
When you are this small and dinner ended up pasted all over, from head to toe, why not have a bath in the sink?! And two big girls wish they could shrink for a moment and join their baby sister… ______________________________________________________________ For more ‘Wordless Wednesday’ photos click here.
Kids Click – Animals: Charlotte’s Fish
The theme currently running on Kids Click, till 10 October, is ‘Animals‘. I mentioned this to the girls on a rainy day of the school holidays. Sophie said to Charlotte, ‘But you can’t enter, cause you’ll win! I won’t stand a chance!’ This is because Charlotte won once before with her ‘Green‘ entry. Charlotte has […]
Here Come the Girls: The Gallery Week 30
Girls run strong in my family. I am one of two girls, just like my mother and her mother was one of SEVEN girls! My husband’s brother and sister each have three sons. We have three daughters. I would have been beheaded or divorced in Henry VIII time! Saturday at the beach after a Birthday […]
If trees could SMILE: The Gallery – Week 28
I like to think that this tree is smiling at me and my family. Its branches wave hello to us as we greet it with our eyes each day. The leaves wink green at us in the breeze and signal ‘go’ for brighter days to come. It’s been a rough week of weather around the […]