A week ago my friend Kathy phoned me from holiday, in Perth visiting family, to ask a BIG favour. Due to sad circumstances her house and dog sitter had to return home and she was left without anyone to take care of her dog, Nina. There were two reasons for me feeling nervous at the […]
Farewell to Simba
When we visited Simba on Tuesday afternoon we knew he wasn’t faring well. The vets words prepared us for the worse when she said, ‘We’ll see how he goes, finger’s crossed, miracles do happen.’ He made such an effort to greet us when we visited, but then quickly curled up in a semi-sleep on the […]
Bad luck comes in threes?
Well, we’ve had four lots of it and are hoping the tide turns soon! Simba still isn’t in the all clear and things seem to be getting worse. Poor boy isn’t eating now and blood tests have indicated a liver problem. He’s still at the vets and we’re missing him. The other week the dishwasher […]
Vet bills for the love of it
It’s been a busy week with Charli finishing Kindi, celebrating her 5th Birthday and starting school. Combined with these major milestones in our oldest daughter’s life our dear cat Simba, rescued from near-death in the Botanical Gardens over eight year’s ago, was very close to losing another one of his lives on Friday. He’s a […]
The chicks are thriving!
The chicks are thriving in our mailbox! The big question is – will they fly the nest in time for Christmas!
Jealousy and Affection: Sophie’s Nearly Two!
Sophie, at two month’s shy of her second Birthday, today demonstrated what I knew was on the horizon. What was to be our regular, pleasurable afternoon visit to the local playground turned into misery for Sophie and I. Jealousy struck at the heart of Sophie’s emotions and she was in despair. Charlotte, now an independent, […]
Two Becomes Three?
No, I’m not pregnant, but I am in danger of turning into a crazy cat woman! I love cats, but I never planned on caring for three of them and I’m not particularly pro-cats in New Zealand, since they are an introduced species. New Zealand’s only known native land mammal is the bat. The Maoris […]
Kite Surfers Getting Close to the Stars this Matariki
It was a wild and windy southerly that greeted us this morning. We were all keyed up to participate in the various Matariki celebrations in Wellington City, but the comforts of home kept us from getting out of the door in time. We stayed put and listened to a ‘Celebrating Matariki CD’, which accompanied a […]
Charli the Climber and Nature Lover
Charlotte says: The weather is still beautiful and I am enjoy reaching new heights at climbing. I can’t wait to show Aunty Claire my favourite climbing spots, when she visits me later in the year. Here I am at Princess Bay (a 15 minute walk from my house) and hugging Blacky. The last photograph is […]
Peace is…
Three and a Quarter
In the past month my life has changed dramatically, the reason being is that Sophie is now mobile (horrors!).