This morning was perfect in every way. The girls woke at 7am and were so enthused by the day – I love it when they wake up like that! Sophie was trying to serenade us on the piano, whilst Charlotte headed straight to the art-room (my laundry room) and conjured up one of her numerous […]
Jealousy and Affection: Sophie’s Nearly Two!
Sophie, at two month’s shy of her second Birthday, today demonstrated what I knew was on the horizon. What was to be our regular, pleasurable afternoon visit to the local playground turned into misery for Sophie and I. Jealousy struck at the heart of Sophie’s emotions and she was in despair. Charlotte, now an independent, […]
Today was a day like millions of other stay-at-home parents around the world, but does that make it any less remarkable? Children wake up every morning with driven curiosity and grasp at every opportunity to learn and explore. As a parent I feel a tremendous responsibility to ensure the doors are wide open in every […]
I hate you! Go to jail Mummy!
Is it that Charlotte’s been playing too much Monopoly? How could such hurtful words come from such an angelic face? It was whilst holidaying in the UK she first uttered these words. If it hadn’t been for a dear friend, who had her first child a few years before I entered the realm of motherhood, […]
Mother Erupted at Playground
… so the headline should read. I have a terrible problem with bottling up all my emotions and then, when I am tired and least expect it, the ugly demon inside bubbles to the surface and explodes in a terrifying rage. Whilst in the midst of rage I can hear my other voice saying, ‘What […]
‘Me-Time’: Bringing out the Best
Friends often ask, “Do you get much time to yourself?” And I smile contentedly and reply, “Not really, but that is fine with me.” But this answer is not strictly true. It is not that I don’t get ‘me time’, it’s just that the definition I have for it has changed and yet my friends […]
The Holiday is Over
After a two-week holiday Dan went back to work today. We all felt a bit depressed and it was up to me to put on a brave face for the girls. A morning at the gardens started out fine (apart from my three year-old, Charlotte, making a teary wish at the ‘Wishing Well’ that, ‘Daddy, […]