There are days when it’s hard to leave the house not worth exchanging p-jays for a blouse. To motherhood I surrender, with love – yet the coop I escape from, like a dove. Adventures I yearn for, without a care just my own body and soul laid bare. To Instagram I fly, fleetingly so – […]
Flying solo this week :(
The man of our house left on a jet plane last night. We’re not used to him being away. When I was a little girl my Dad was away every week or so – for two to three weeks at a time (I don’t know how my Mum coped!). There were lots of tears from […]
Lyrical Sunday | Poem on Parenthood
P is for Patience, that every parent wishes they had more of. A is for Analysis of sleepless nights, developmental phases & disturbing behavior. R is for Remembering, Rewards and trying to parent without Regrets. E is for Empathy, Endurance & happy Ever After. N is for No, Naughty & Never going back. T is […]
Being Strong
When my children are upset I don’t always find it easy to stay strong. This morning my oldest was extremely anxious about school swim class. She’s only been at school a term and this was to be her second swim lesson. She normally loves the water and we visit the local pool at least once […]