Sophie had her ‘Plunket‘ check (health-nurse) this week and it was really just a formality as I know she is absolutely fine on all levels. When it came to her ‘weigh-in’ Sophie started to cry (a rarity for her!) and I said to Sophie, ‘Well, never mind, it’s really not necessary as you’re obviously not […]
To my girls
Dear Charlotte, You are now four and make me prouder by the day. You are so brave and strong. When you fall you pick yourself up quickly and say, ‘I’m okay!’. You don’t want sympathy (even though I’ve always offered you my open arms to comfort you) and I admire your strong resolve to pick […]
Charlotte wins the Piston Cup
Charlotte’s finally learned to ride her pedal-bike after nearly a year of persevering. She got the bike for her third Birthday, but she was a little on the small side and lacking in muscle power to pedal it! Every other week she’d go off to the garage and wheel it out for a run. She’d […]
To My Big Kindi Girl!
A letter to Charlotte, two month’s shy of four year’s old: My dear Charlotte, I am so very proud of you. You have been to Kindergarten independently for three sessions. I knew you could do it, you just needed to believe it for yourself. These past weeks you have been oblivious to my presence at […]
Sophie at 16 Months: Shoes!
Sophie says: ‘Shoes!’ and is VERY excited. Here she is trying on shoes at her favourite store: The Number 1 Shoe Warehouse (Grandma Lee will be jealous!). Sophie likes to try on all the shoes in our house and is already asserting her independence by trying to put shoes on without help (and then getting […]
Sophie Talk: 15 Month Update
Sophie says: ‘More!’ The first time I said, ‘More’ was when I wanted to feed our cats. Pouring the cat biscuits out in the morning is so much fun. I also love pouring water and filling up bottles in the bath to make lots of bubbles. Blowing bubbles in the bath and at the swimming […]
The ‘Real’ Sophie Emerges: 14 Month Update
Sophie says: I spend most of my time taking lessons in the art of ‘winding up ones sibling’ from the expert, my big sister. I love to draw and paint, but it’s going to take me a long time to understand the message, ‘Draw only on paper, please!’. I am in favour of body art […]
Firsts for Sophie
Standing on 10 Months
Three and a Quarter
In the past month my life has changed dramatically, the reason being is that Sophie is now mobile (horrors!).
Nine Months and Crawling… (time to hide your toys Charli!)
On the first night of my Taupo holiday I finally learnt how to roll onto my tummy. Daddy had taken Charli down to the bar, whilst Mummy tried to get me to sleep (but that was the furthest thing from my mind!).
Sophie’s 8 Month Check
Water Play With “Ma Ma”
I am beginning to enjoy the delights of water play and try to say, ‘Good’ whenever I see that magical liquid.
I want to move! I’m fast approaching 8 month’s old and I have decided it’s time to put down the books and get moving.