Latte Junkie set the theme of ‘BOOKS’ for Lyrical Sunday this week. I often look at my children as though they are characters in a book – I’ve actually been told, ‘Your children are just like something out of a story book…’ (I took that in a positive light – with the smile that came […]
Lyrical Sunday
Only | Lyrical Sunday
‘ONLY’ is the prompt that ‘Latte Junkie’ has set for Lyrical Sunday this week. I struggled with this one, but late last night – after reading Cyndi’s brilliant TWO poems on the theme ‘Only’ (not only one – but two poems!) – inspiration finally came to me. This poem is about Wellington and is probably […]
Lyrical Sunday | BLUE
Blue like my grandparents twinkling eyes – Forget-me-knots, blue-bells and summer skies. Blue like Paua shell, on the sandy shore – Blueberries, oceans and the TARDIS door. Blue like veins, seen running under pale skin – Royal Blue. Union Jack. Ties me to my kin. Blue of Scotland and my mother’s eyes – Lavender, rosemary […]
Lyrical Sunday | Poem on Parenthood
P is for Patience, that every parent wishes they had more of. A is for Analysis of sleepless nights, developmental phases & disturbing behavior. R is for Remembering, Rewards and trying to parent without Regrets. E is for Empathy, Endurance & happy Ever After. N is for No, Naughty & Never going back. T is […]
Lyrical Sunday: Numbers
It’s a strange thing to be aware at ten of wanting to slow down time, when most of my peers couldn’t wait for it to race by. I still wanted to play Indians in the copse near my house, take off on adventures, climb trees, build dens & jump ditches. At fourteen I had to […]
Book Spine Poetry for Lyrical Sunday
Latte Junkie has set a really fun exercise for this week’s Lyrical Sunday. The idea is to make a poem using the titles of books. I’ve had quite a lot of fun doing this with my oldest daughters over the past week – turning books on their side and putting titles together to make a […]
Lyrical Sunday: If I could…
If I could swap with Alice for a day – I’d wake with a smile, no cares in my way. I would run around in my Birthday suit, knock over my soup and play on a flute. I’d paint my teddy-bear with jam and cream, dance till I got dizzy and fly in my dreams. […]
Daddy’s back & a ‘Run’ for Lyrical Sunday
We greeted Daddy at Wellington Airport, first thing on Monday morning. We knew he’d be tired from his travels – but we weren’t expecting him to be quite so burned out… There wasn’t much meat left on him – but he still managed to pedal a bike next to Sophie at the Fonterra Science Roadshow! […]
Lyrical Sunday (on a Monday): Friendship
With my sister currently in New Zealand I have really been thinking so much about the amazing connection we have – not just as sisters – but also as friends. We’re also seeing a whole new path unfurl before us – as we unite to give three special girls all the support we can muster, […]
Lyrical Sunday [Fool]: Am I a Fool?
As I waved Charlotte and her class off on the bus, after watching their cross country race at Karori Park, a child’s voice still rang in my ears… ‘Why is her other daughter not at school?’ And another child’s voice… ‘Does her mother not work?!’ ‘Who teaches her daughter?’ And I answered, ‘I do!’ with […]
Wild at Heart: Lyrical Sunday
‘Wild at Heart’ The house physically sways, like a tree in a storm. Wooden beams, made to flex in an earthquake, take the force. The tin roof magnifies the sound of every broken branch, twisted with the whistle of the wind. I’m glad of the refuge that is my home. The comfort of wind chimes […]
Lyrical Sunday: Women
I am a woman who… Worries, washes & wishes, Ovulates & has obligations, is – Maternal & married. Is both – Affectionate & affected, by – Nourishing her nestlings to womanhood. © Sarah Lee, 2012 ____________________________ Linking up with… Lyrical Sunday at Latte Junkie’s blog
Salt Kisses Of Autumn Winds x
Say ‘lines’ and I think washing line and lines on my face. Say ‘lines’ to my six year old and she says – ‘They’re everywhere Mummy! Everything has a line!’ I think, ‘Thick and thin, zig-zags, straight and curved.’ Lines drawn on paper and etched in the sand. Lines painted on the grass, to mark […]