Some family weekends are golden and this was one of them, the highlight being a delicious meal at a local restaurant (Pierre Lafond Wine Bistro, Montecito) with all three daughters behaving charmingly. It was an impromptu meal out (often preferred to a scheduled, overly anticipated evening) and the love around the table was brimming over […]
Let’s Go Ride! Miss 4 & Her New Cycling Adventures
She’s got pedal power and she’s not afraid to use it! She’s done her practice ‘miles’, with cycling around the house and down the lane. This week Miss 4 decided she had what was needed to make it from the house to the village, and back, on her wheels (with a stop for a bite […]
What’s the theme tune of your life?
This popped up in my Facebook feed and I’ve had so much fun looking up the tunes that were number 1 in the UK charts on some of my Birthdays (especially apt with my big 40 approaching this month!). Check it out and enjoy reminiscing on ‘What’s The Theme Tune Of Your Life?‘! When I […]
Things I’m Loving: Orcas, Art, Running & Cake!
I’m joining in with the ‘Things I’m Loving’ linky over at my friend Meghan’s blog this week – celebrating those little things in life that shine. Sometimes it’s the things happening before my eyes, that fill my heart with love, like coffee, wine, or watching my family devour strawberries coated in chocolate… Other times it’s […]
Signs of Spring in Santa Barbara (where the seasons aren’t easily identified!)
This is my first experience of spring in Southern California. I’ve spent the past decade or so seeing in spring in New Zealand, whilst the northern hemisphere starts getting their autumn / winter fashions out and decking the halls with holly. This will be the first time in several years that I’ll see Easter in […]
The Photo Gallery | Sport
It’s a special week of celebration on Sticky Fingers blog’s ‘The Photo Gallery’ this week. Parenting bloggers in the UK put their heads together to create an event for Sport Relief this year which had the whole of the community buzzing – the Team Honk Relay. Bloggers up and down the land joined together to travel […]
Prose for Thought & Writer’s Workshop | Something new I’m loving: I’m becoming a runner
There’s running gear going through the wash every day, I’ll skip a latte for a smoothie or water. The wine in the fridge is staying put longer, When I sleep, it’s with complete mind-body exhaustion. I do stretches at random moments in the day, and play my children at tag with greater guile. I greet […]
Things I’m Loving
Had a beautiful week with my daughters and escaping out for runs. The clocks have swung into spring time in the northern hemisphere and having an extra hour of daylight in the evening makes a huge difference to our available ‘play time’. Sharing here a few loves from my week… ⤠Hanging out in the […]
The Photo Gallery | Yellow
Yellow, in the garden, drawing butterflies in – Yellow, in the setting sun, drawing my eyes to the horizon – Yellow, reflecting off the water, as I finish my evening run – And yellow, of my youngest daughter’s pirate hat, blowing bubbles on a boat with her friend – Linking up with –
Running the Santa Barbara Wine Country Half Marathon – for a good cause & other reasons…
I’m into my third week of training for my first half marathon and loving it. The run is on 10 May 2014 in Santa Barbara’s Wine Country. I will have turned forty the month before, making it a great event to really kick start this next decade of my life. I plan on making my […]
Things I’m Loving | A Pirate Lunch that rolls on all afternoon…
It started with a treasure hunt, through dinosaur den, bamboo forest and pirate hideout; before quickly rolling into pin the tail on the tic-toc croc and find the gold doubloons in the sand. There was blue jelly with orange boats sailing the high seas, a water melon doubling up as ship and a chocolate cake […]
An active week in Santa Barbara – and yes, I am running a half marathon…
Between the game play (Minecraft), the crafting (Rainbow Looming) and all the preschool arts and crafts (baking ginger-bread men, sand play, painting, imaginary story telling and so on…) there’s been a lot of action in the house in California this week. My New Zealand born children have been energised with slightly cooler temperatures and rain […]
Loved celebrating four years of our youngest daughter being in our lives!
We are so very blessed to have Alice in our family. She has spent her first four years sharing her happy zest for life with us and bringing us all so much joy. There’s been no need to rush her off to kindergarten when we were in New Zealand, or a preschool whilst here in […]
Let’s get physical! Keeping fit, & keeping up, with the children…
I’m on my feet most of the day, with three active children unschooling this year and a house to keep in order. It would be easy to flop at any given moment, instead of pushing on and seeking out more physical activity – but it’s true what ‘they’ say, ‘Exercise gives you energy’. Besides, I […]