I miss her, Mum, even though she’s not gone. Still here, but not. I see a flash of her smile and hear her laugh. Drying dishes. Tears in my eyes, wishing for easy conversations. I move on. Wipe down the kitchen bench-top; my daughter has left hot glue gun remnants soldered onto the surface. I…
Tag: family
Visits to my folks in England, Sept. 2019 & March 2020 – with plentiful National Trust visits!
It was my Mum’s 73rd Birthday recently, but she wasn’t aware – and hasn’t been for a few years now. Alzheimer’s disease has robbed her of knowing there are different days in a week, let alone knowing what day her Birthday is. Nevertheless my dear Dad had a cake ready for her, cards from family…
Mid year catch up post!
We are half-way through 2019 already and so much has happened, but I’ve been too busy, living and loving it, (and side-tracked by Instagram and Netflix, ahem!) to write about it – so, before this year runs away on me all together I’m going to have to write this catch-up post. I continue to be…
Celebrating Christmas with Family in England!
After our epic holiday in Canada, enjoying plenty of snow action, we were definitely acclimatised to northern hemisphere temperatures by the time we landed in England on the 18th December. It was the first time – in nearly twenty years – that we’d be in England for Christmas and the first time, ever, for our…
It takes – but forget – we will not
The disease does nothing but take – life long memories slowly ripped away whilst new ones can no longer be retained. She’s at her happiest in the moment – when walking in nature throwing seeds for the birds watching squirrels forage for nuts. Together we sit, and colour in pictures pick lavender and smell…
Birthday celebrations in the Peak District
On the day of my 43rd Birthday (after having ran my first fell run with my sister the night before) we headed out at a much more sedate pace to enjoy some local sights. Our first stop was Castleton, a village in the High Peak district of Derbyshire, England. We took a stroll around the little…
A fix of family, English countryside & history in Hampshire
Mid April I took off from Wellington, New Zealand, flying over the great Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, to visit my folks in England. I was keen to see my Mum, who’d turned seventy on the 2nd April, and to spend some precious time with her, my Dad, sister and partner. I flew solo, for…
Home in England & beating the jet-lag outdoors
We landed in London on Thursday, after three flights from Wellington, New Zealand, taking some serious flying hours! It’s just Alice and I on this trip, whilst my older two daughters are at home with their Daddy. Alice is such a happy and positive travel companion. We managed to get a good stint of sleep…
In between the ages – a poem
In between the ages, is where I am right now, as they write the pages, that their young lives sow. Their grandparents live a time that treasures every moment – knowing life is no mime, but to live in the present. I sit in between, silently observing, holding tight, with hands keen, hoping for smooth…
Country Kids find fun at BreWDay in Martinborough!
The Greater Wellington BreWDay, held in Martinborough, was a wonderful combination good food, music and a jovial crowd of all ages, enjoying some fine craft brews in a rural setting. Close to the heart of Martinborough – more known for its wines and olive groves – locals and visitors (mostly from the Hutt and Wellington)…
Paint – Three Generations | A poem
When I read that ‘The Prompt‘ this week was the word ‘Paint’ I knew exactly what to write about. This past month my dear parents have been staying with us in New Zealand, visiting from their home in England. My dearest Mum loves to paint with watercolours and has been taking classes for a couple…
Swingingly well again & we’ve been out enjoying countryside & beach.
Everyone is well in the family again and all the girls have been back at school for a good week and a half. It was brilliant to get some sunshine this weekend to really keep those feel good vibes swinging! We headed out to Worser Bay to take our puppy for an off lead gallop on…
The Photo Gallery | Colour – on my Birthday
There has been colour from afar, by way of gifts and cards, and colour near to me, by way of nature, food and art. There has been colour in my children’s creations and in the candles, lit to warm the dark. I have been spoiled with loving gifts and thoughts this week, in celebrating my…
Outdoor loves from Martinborough
Last weekend was spent with friends, in the beautiful countryside of the Wairarapa, at our Martinborough home. The weekend was full of special moments in the sun, made all the better for having good friends to share it with. Our three daughters each had a friend, their age, to buddy up with – which made for incredibly…