Singapore, halfway between the UK and NZ, or thereabouts. A guaranteed warm destination to break up our NZ winter. A couple of weeks by the pool with plenty of entertainment to please everyone in our group – from the children (aged 5, 9 and 12) to the parents (myself and hubby) and the grandparents (who…
Tag: family time
Family cycling & geocaching in Martinborough
Since getting a weekender in Martinborough we’ve really enjoyed spending more time on bikes with our children. The rural roads are quiet. The terrain is flat. The climate is often milder than our home in Wellington. There’s also ample places to stop for refreshment – from the cafes in the village to the vineyards encompassing…
Things I’m Loving
A few gems I’ve loved this week… ⤠Watching my daughters and dear ‘hubbie’, on a Sunday avo at a local school field, being active, having fun and keeping fit together (and eating pizza together al fresco). ⤠An afternoon visit to the marina and maritime museum in Santa Barbara with my three daughters. ⤅
Magic Moments – Family fun in Solvang
It was one of those Sundays that just ‘worked’. The only pre-planned event was my first ever morning yoga class on the beach (bliss). After I returned from my yoga class, feeling very zen and at one with Universe (carrying Blenders smoothies with a supplement of bee pollen for everyone in the family), everything else…
Loving – a weekend in Wellington as autumn shows its face
It’s dark at 6pm, but still warm to play, and cheer on the man of the house in a game of footie. And make sure he’s well looked after, when the match is done… The garden hints at autumn with the leaves on the silver birch starting to turn and fall. The scarves and boots…
Super Grandparents are in the House!
How many grandparents would step off a plane, after travelling from the UK to Wellington, New Zealand, non-stop (two looooong international flights and one domestic) and handle a full day with three energetic granddaughters – with NO nano nap?! My grandchildren have SUPER Grandparents (but – they just don’t know it… yet!). One day, in…
Silent Sunday
The rules: Use just one photo in your post. You must have taken the picture. Use a photo taken in the week leading up to your post. You don’t have to do it every week. No words in the post OR the title. ________________________________________________
Weekend Workout & Recommendations!
Some weekends are made for play, others are made for getting down to it and facing up to the moth balls, paper piles, over-grown lawn, dirty windows and piles of laundry. After all, we had enjoyed a beautiful Friday of sunshine – can’t be all play and no work! For our children the weekend was…
Do what you love, one day a week: Paddle boarding!
After my last attempt, in less than calm waters and with a few adrenaline pumping wipe-outs, I went out on the board again this week. It was beautifully calm in Lyall Bay on Sunday. Barely a ripple of a wave broke on the shore. I found my feet quickly and plunged the paddle deeply into…
Engineering in the garden on a Sunday afternoon
Sometimes it’s so nice not to have to be anyway or even want to go anywhere. It’s great to have a home and garden that we enjoy ambling around in. This Sunday was just one of those that called for some home-time chilling. My view from the sofa… Though Dan did need to take our…
A new start is rarely all smooth going
This week has been one of change and adjustment. Sophie joined Charlotte at school. I stepped up a gear with morning school preparations and post school fall out. Alice adapted to moving at her own pace with a little more ‘down time’ during the day. Charlotte enthusiastically embraced the start of term 4 whilst supporting…
Sunday snippets & a bus with a big heart
On Sunday we took a jaunt into Wellington town, where Sophie and Charlotte took their Daddy skipping along the waterfront. Alice took a nap, warm and snug in her buggy. Whilst we stopped for coffee and cake (and Sophie gleefully devoured a chocolate fish with her fluffy!). And whilst Dan took Sophie to expel some…
Sunday snippets: Enjoying the sunshine
After a week of rain and cold winds, with just a few snippets of blue in between, it was with great relief that we woke to sunshine this Sunday. We did the chores, mowed the lawn and then got out together and dosed up on Vitamin D to fight our snuffly noses. Here’s a few…
Time Alone & Together
Me and my two feet, striding out alone. Walking on the beach at a pace of my own. No voices to listen to, but those in my head. My eyes focused on the surf, relaxed and at ease. I’m on my way to meet with a friend. A friend who is a mother, just like…