Running barefoot, in the grass, a fairy frolicked in my garden today. She stopped to pick some lavender and then hurried on her way. Dressed in green, she blended in, a magic figure of spring. I noticed her stop and rest a while, and wondered what magic she’d bring. I looked at where she’d sat […]
The Happy Den
Where we live is surrounded by trees and close to the sea. The garden is what really attracted us to the property. It’s not easy to find a flat section in the hilly topography of Wellington. And to find somewhere set back from the road with a safe driveway for the children to ride their […]
Bloomin Beautiful!
Just a quick post of some sunny cheer before we finally head off. It really was magnificent today and with the clocks having sprung forward we really are embracing the lighter evenings and warmer days. We joined the celebrations of the Spring Festival at the Botanical Gardens today. Poor ‘ole Charli still isn’t A1 and […]
Beautiful rain – for some
In so many parts of the world right now people are suffering from a deluge of rain beyond manageable proportions. I woke this morning to a plea for donations from the British Red Cross for the Hurricane Appeal in the aftermath of Gustav and Hanna. Our prays go out to all the families affected and […]
“I see fairies.”
After my neighbour had returned from taking Charlotte out this afternoon she stopped by to say how delightful Charlotte was (sigh of relief from me!). She also said how Charlotte had mentioned a fairy sitting next to her in the car. The fairy was called Rosebud and was purple. Charlotte later explained that Rosebud can […]