It’s been many years since we’ve seen so many Christmas trees in the build up to Christmas. Visiting Disneyland in the festive season was, as you’d imagine, mind-blowing in a sensory overload of lights, baubles, ribbon, glitter and a touch of fake snow – even in sunny southern California – for good measure. It’s also […]
A week in reflection: Moments to love & be thankful for.
It’s Friday. The weekend is nearly here, which means family time with the man of the house. It’s so much easier to keep all three of our children entertained when he’s at home. As much as I am enjoying having the girls all at home, I do have moments of feeling like I’m being held […]
Things I’m Loving with a touch of icing sugar, paper chains & random elephants…
This was the week that started with three daughters at home. A Monday that witnessed mass paper-chain making, faces in plates of icing sugar and a Christmas elephant made out of an old milk-bottle! A Tuesday and Wednesday spent mostly at home, with two daughters (whilst Charlotte enjoyed end of term fun and shared lunches). […]
Blogging taking a backseat as party elves get busy!
We’re counting down to Sophie’s 5th Birthday Party at home on Saturday! We’re in full party mode, making decorations, moving furniture around to make room for all the guests, including the fabulous Harry the Clown, baking, packing up goodie bags, wrapping goodies for pass the parcel, stuffing the pinata. This week is all about our […]
The Gallery: White
‘I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… just like the ones I used to know…’ But actually, I’m not! Though I still love that song and it does make me feel all squishy and nostalgic. In our garden we have plenty of white, but of the flowering variety. I find my eye is especially drawn to […]
4 Seasons: Making, Baking, Coughing & Spluttering
The nippers all have coughs and snuffles, which is surprising for the season. They are still happy loves, but a little on the tired side and having more time off school and kindi than usual (really don’t want to pass on germs just prior to Christmas!). Poor bubba isn’t sleeping well with her snuffles (which […]
You know you’re a Mum when…
you turn up at the doctor’s surgery covered in glitter and don’t blink an eye when both the receptionist and the doctor make a very obvious statement about it. ‘No,’ I replied (in a very matter of fact, this is perfectly normal tone), ‘I am not heading out for an extravagant night on the tiles […]
1 December and up she goes!
With all three of my lovely cherubs at home with snuffly summer colds today we took the opportunity to dig out the Christmas decorations from under the stairs. It was fun, messy and a little bit tiring… The big boxes made for some fun dens and helped to keep Alice distracted long enough for me […]