He’s been away three days, but that feels like ages when we’re living overseas and all in the house together every day. The girls and I have kept ourselves busy and are thrilled that he’s coming home tonight (though we’ll be fast asleep when he creeps in around 1am!). It’s his Birthday today and the […]
The man of the house is back
I’m sure it’s the same in other homes where there’s only one male – the behaviour of the females in the house changes when he’s home. In our house the energy levels are ramped up. There’s a lot more physical play, loud voices, movement (chaos) and laughter. There’s a little elbow pushing and jostling for […]
Flying solo this week :(
The man of our house left on a jet plane last night. We’re not used to him being away. When I was a little girl my Dad was away every week or so – for two to three weeks at a time (I don’t know how my Mum coped!). There were lots of tears from […]
Silent Sunday
The rules: Use just one photo in your post. You must have taken the picture. Use a photo taken in the week leading up to your post. You don’t have to do it every week. No words in the post OR the title. ________________________________________________
Daddy’s back & a ‘Run’ for Lyrical Sunday
We greeted Daddy at Wellington Airport, first thing on Monday morning. We knew he’d be tired from his travels – but we weren’t expecting him to be quite so burned out… There wasn’t much meat left on him – but he still managed to pedal a bike next to Sophie at the Fonterra Science Roadshow! […]
Missing someone, but still finding things to love…
The man of the house is away for three nights 🙁 We’re missing the scent of testosterone in the air (but not his socks). We hung out watching Charlotte play touch-rugby yesterday, after our man had flown the country, wishing he was there to add some of his flair. Bedtime isn’t the same without the […]
Happy Birthday to the man of our house!
Birthday time for the man of the house is a little different with three energetic daughters to contend with. One daughter (young Alice) decided to pick the eve of his Birthday to wake up and do some midnight star-gazing with her Daddy. Any chance of a lie in to catch up on lost winks was […]
Silent Sunday
Being temporarily hosted by ‘HerMelness Speaks… out‘, whilst Mocha Beanie Mummy kicks someone’s technical behind!
With love to the man of the house x
A little girl needs Daddy For many, many things: Like holding her high off the ground Where the sunlight sings! Like being the deep music That tells her all is right When she awakens frantic with The terrors of the night. Like being the great mountain That rises in her heart And shows her how […]
Sack of potatoes: A father’s love
The magic relationship of a father and his daughters. They adore him, worship him, seek his approval and search out his praise. He is their play thing, their most loved toy. He riles them up and they passionately love it. He throws them in the air, hangs them upside down and struggles to say, ‘No,’ […]
Happy Daddy’s Day
Today I am a very proud Daddy. My two lil’ girls have been brilliant to me all day long – particularly Charli. She’s been drawing me cards and pictures all day long, telling me she loves me every 15 minutes, giving gratuitous hugs, and even getting into Star Wars big time. She’s been a dream […]
Happy Father’s Day!
Happy Father’s Day to Daddy Dan from his adoring fans! Little Sophie kept him up most of the night, wanting all the cuddles and love she could get, regardless of the hour! She’s spent the past two month’s holidaying in the UK and sharing a bedroom with her dear Daddy, so adjusting to her own […]