I’m linking up with Lou of Seaside Siblings for ‘Four Seasons‘ this week, as in the past few weeks we’ve really been having a blast in the season of ‘Summer’. The school holidays come to an end on Thursday, when the school bell will call us to attention for a 9am start every day (for […]
blueberry farm
Fun at the Races & Blueberry Stuffing!
On Monday, Wellington Anniversary Day, we headed over to Trentham Race Course for the family day. We’d never been before, but thought the girls would enjoy it and there was so much free entertainment for children. Adults cost $10, children free and all the activities were free! So they had a fabulous time on the […]
Daddy looks after his girls in the sizzling, summer sun…
He takes them to blueberry heaven (and thinks that this might be his next business venture, as all his hard-earned dollars are being spent on blueberries – oh, but think of the antioxidants!): He digs holes in the sand for them to splash in and soaks up the sizzling sun at beautiful Days Bay in […]