On Tuesday we headed out to the Botanical Gardens in gloriously, hot sunshine. We parked at the top of the cable car, with a plan to walk all down hill, via the playground, duck pond, Sound Shell, Rose Gardens and into the city, before riding the cable car back up. However, poor Sophie had a […]
Longest day 2009 – what a beauty!
The sun rose at 5.45am and set at 8.54pm and what a beautiful day it’s been. There’s such a holiday spirit in the air. At the beach this evening folk were kicking back and enjoying the most perfect time. The sound of the waves gently lapping on the shore at Princess Bay were met with […]
School at the beach!
A week ago Charli’s entire school ditched the books and headed to the beach on foot for the day – how cool is that! They had a splash of a time, with classes taking it in turns to swim in the sea, whilst the rest of the children delighted in building amazing sandcastles, drawing in […]
New Year rolling in on a BBQ!
Phewie, the BBQ has been steaming over the past few day’s. Dan’s got the whole week off work and we are so blessed to feel like we’re having a holiday at home in our beautiful garden, with the sea just a short walk away. Kathy and Mark came round on Sunday, with their gorgeous boys. […]
Sophie the Chatterbox!
SJ is approaching two and three quarters and is such a little chatterbox. She’s an absolute delight to spend the day with and puts a smile on everyone’s face. This week has followed our usual pattern of visits to the library for story-time, swim lesson, play-dates and time enjoying the outdoors. Today, was a day […]
A break from the southerlies!
Today was glorious. The air was calm, not a cloud in the sky. There was the distinct recollection of summer in the air (though of course we are not that easily fooled!). After many afternoons tucked up at home or at the museum it was with great relief that we could return, momentarily, to fair […]
Busy weekends are becoming the norm!
Saturdays are busy at Chez Lee these day. Ballet lessons for Charli, soccer for Dan and a horse ride for Sophie are fast becoming the norm (Mum just needs to fit in a yoga session somewhere and we’d be sorted!). Sunday was tres relaxed. Our good friend Lucy took Charli out for the morning to […]
Lyall Bay in Black and White
Saturday morning, prior to Dan’s weekly soccer game, was spent whiling away a couple of hours in the sunshine on Lyall Bay beach. Dan took these beautiful photographs. Simple pleasures. Playing in sand dunes, drawing in the sand, making sand sculptures, looking for mermaids and chasing seagulls. Dan won his game of soccer – must […]
Watching the Tide
Monday morning, Sophie and I spent a magic couple of ours really living in the moment at Lyall Bay Beach. Since then the rain has barely stopped all week. We spent this morning at the airport watching the comings and goings – I always love the body filling raft of emotions and excitement I feel […]
Dolphin rescues beached whales after all human attempts failed
Check out these articles on how this friendly dolphin, off the coast of Mahia, New Zealand, helped to save two beached whales – just when time was running out… BBC Reports TV3 Stuff The NZ Herald Times
Scorching Bay: Still as Magic as Ever
It’s been months since we visited Scorching Bay. The Chocolate Fish is no more, but Scorching Bay still holds its own special magic. Thankfully, there’s a little operation selling the essentials: ice-cream and coffee – what more could a parent wish for! The bay has also been given a smarten up by the City Council, […]
Having a blast – long may the summer roll!
It’s been a crazy few days of sunshine. We had a blast at ‘The Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ in the Botanical Gardens on Sunday (got some great video-clips, but no time to string it together tonight!). Charlotte loved singing along to the music and Sophie enjoyed wandering around the rose garden and riding on the ‘rocket’! […]
Late Nights and Lazy Mornings
Summer nights and the girls are usually asleep around 9 o’clock. Thankfully, they sleep till nearly 9 in the morning, so hubbie’s been having to set the alarm clock for work – for the first time in nearly 5 years! We’re really loving the evenings and the stress free mornings. There’s such a sense of […]
A Blogging Break: Tons to Report!
Chez Lee has enjoyed a blogging break due to good weather, no Kindi, the arrival of our beloved pianos (resulting in lots of late night jamming sessions!) and making the most of the light evenings. It’s so brilliant not having to be out the door by a predetermined time and family harmony is so much […]