Sophie loves making playdough. Here’s her recipe, with step-by-step instructions. 2 cups flour 1 cup salt 2 tsp cream of tartar 2 cups water 4 tbsp vegetable oil Vanilla essence (smells lovely) Food colouring
Kindi Fair Sizzles
The sausages were sizzling at Sophie’s Kindi Fair this morning. Dan and another Dad did a fabulous job of stoking the BBQ and selling around 300 bangers in the course of the morning. Thankfully the rain held off, with only a few drizzles, and no gale force winds to contend with. They could really have […]
Happy Baking Monday
Sophie and I started the week by baking a simple fruit cake from our trusty Be-Ro recipe book. I love the smell of baking and the house is now filled with the most wonderful, wholesome aroma. We gave this cake a big thumbs up for simplicity to make, little mess to clean up afterwards and, […]
A parent’s dream: a daughter who loves to bake!
We are thrilled our youngest daughter, Sophie, is forever walking around with a Be-Ro Home Recipes book (eternal thanks to Chinese Grandma) and requesting to bake. She’s so keen and enthusiastic. We are looking forward to the day she can bake unsupervised and serve us up some of her gorgeous banana tea bread for afternoon […]
Today was a day like millions of other stay-at-home parents around the world, but does that make it any less remarkable? Children wake up every morning with driven curiosity and grasp at every opportunity to learn and explore. As a parent I feel a tremendous responsibility to ensure the doors are wide open in every […]
Good Neighbours are a God Send
Returning home from morning Kindi, with Sophie drifting off to sleep, I had thoughts running through my mind of things to organise for Charlotte’s 4th Birthday tomorrow (and the party on Sunday). I was set on decorating boxes, tidying up the house and making sure Sophie got up to bed for a good nap. Charlotte […]
Countdown to Christmas
The Advent Calendar has been given lots of interest this Christmas, I would like to say this is due to Charlotte’s love of numbers but suspect it has more to do with the chocolates!
Betty Crocker!
My baking adventures continue. This week I set about with Daddy to make beautiful blueberry muffins. Wowee! They almost came out as good as what they look like on the packet.
Learning to Bake. At 33!
Yes, it’s true. I am finally learning to bake at the ripe old age of 33. If a 3 year old can do it then so can I. Maybe.