when you have food! Alice really has a taste for pasta bolognaise! She just needs a sombrero and she’d pass as a Mexican with this smattering of sauce all over her chops 🙂
baby-led weaning
It starts over breakfast…
The mess. It starts over breakfast, after the first round of washing has already been mysteriously whipped into the washing machine. Alice enjoys baby cereal off a spoon – but she hasn’t quite got that you hold the spoon by the handle – preferring to get stuck right into the action on the tip of […]
Food, food, glorious food!
I’m sitting up well, have two pearly whites ready for action and have been reaching out for everyone’s food for a few weeks now. Breast-milk is no longer enough (though I’m still having plenty – especially at night, tee hee). So, at nearly 6 month’s of age I have joined the rest of the family […]
The Joys of Responsible Parenting
This morning started out with all the pleasures of parenting… of Daddy and daughter on the football pitch at ‘Little Dribblers‘… and Mummy and daughter walking down to beautiful Lyall Bay on a sunny, windless, Sunday with baby sleeping peacefully to the sound of the waves and the motion of her mother’s step… and then […]