A few things I’m loving from the past week… ⤠Colourful paper-towel art – dipped with fascination, in food coloured water; observed in awe, as the paper towel absorbed the colours; unravelled with surprise, as the pattern was revealed; put out to dry with love and a toy animal, to stop the breeze blowing away the […]
A week in reflection: Moments to love & be thankful for.
It’s Friday. The weekend is nearly here, which means family time with the man of the house. It’s so much easier to keep all three of our children entertained when he’s at home. As much as I am enjoying having the girls all at home, I do have moments of feeling like I’m being held […]
From health to sickness overnight
Poor young Alice has been sick since 1am this morning. She’s not held down anything, food or liquid, and has a temperature. It’s one of those darn 24-hour tummy bugs. I’ve been ill too (thankfully not actually spewing!) and have spent all day Sunday cuddled up with young Alice (who is thankfully a ‘happy’ sick […]
Things I’m Loving: Creative loves
Lots of creative fun in the house this week, as well as enjoying having Grandma & Granddad over from the UK. Loved painting young Alice’s face and watching her reaction to my artwork on her face! Loved the photos Grandma & Granddad took of a trip into Wellington on the bus, with Charlotte & a […]
When art takes precedence over dinner…
I’m sure Van Gogh would have understood. There are times when eating can wait. Dinner can wait. But art – all that creative energy and impulsive need to pour out emotions into one form or another – sometimes, that cannot wait (at least in our home). So, this evening, I had one child making clay […]
Wet Wednesday in Welly
Scorching Bay in the rain – Some may say it’s not the same – But for those of us young at heart – Dancing in the rain is just the start. In Welly a rainy day, without wind, is special – It’s a Dr Seuss day of Up for Umbrellas! But hands free is better […]
Loving… New Zealand You Have My Heart
Wherever this life of mine takes me, I feel certain I’ll always have a pull to New Zealand. I fell in love on the first visit, as I flew from Auckland to Wellington taking in the expanse of green, undulating land, surrounded by ocean. Geographically it is so far away from the rest of the […]
Things I’m Loving this ‘Photo A Day MAY’ | Snack | Something I Made
LOVING these scrumptious berry muffins I made today, which were a lovely snack for a young house guest, Sophie, Alice and I. The berries were so warm as the muffins came out of the oven that I couldn’t resist adding a little dollop of vanilla bean ice-cream on the side when I served them. And […]
Look what I found in Wellington… A Love Letter!
I was sat on a bench by the bucket water fountain on Cuba Mall, Wellington, sipping a latte in the sunshine, and watching my children play on the little playground. I had been feeling quite shaky and flat emotionally. My youngest daughter, Alice, is two and her sleep has been somewhat erratic of late. It […]
Things I’m Loving: Laying Low!
Midnight on Thursday Alice was sick – I thought it was just the spag bog (quite a rich sauce), but it’s now Saturday morning and she’s still not holding down much. She must be getting some fluids through – as she’s not being sick straight after drinking (and she’s breastfeeding too), but every two to […]
Schooling & Unschooling: Our Week
A snapshot of our week, with one daughter at private school (her choice, our expense!), one being unschooled (her choice, our suffering/joy!), one toddler undertaking experiments in life under her own steam at home! In my life this week… I’ve had a rotten cold and the overwhelming feeling of tiredness and body cramps that comes […]
Things I’m Loving: Since Alice Turned Two
We’re just into the (ahem) ‘Terrific’ Twos! So far…. so good (I’ve gone and tempted fate now – I’ll be blogging about the mother of all tantrums tomorrow!). Staying on the positive side I’m going to share a few cute moments (which could also be seen as frustrating, annoying, a lot of work, never ending […]
Have you had your pancakes?!
Sophie asked me for pancakes for breakfast, again. She’s been asking for days. I keep making promises. I keep breaking them. Oops! But today, I pulled out my wooden spoon and whipped up some batter and fulfilled an overdue promise. It wasn’t till mid-morning I discovered it was actually Shrove Tuesday today! I found a […]
Weekend Workout & Recommendations!
Some weekends are made for play, others are made for getting down to it and facing up to the moth balls, paper piles, over-grown lawn, dirty windows and piles of laundry. After all, we had enjoyed a beautiful Friday of sunshine – can’t be all play and no work! For our children the weekend was […]