After six wonderful weeks together, my parents flew home to the UK on Tuesday evening. Their visit was particularly poignant, as it might be our last time together – or at least for a long time – in beautiful New Zealand. The man of the house started a new job mid-way through last year and, […]
Miss 2 on a crazy learning curve
Miss 2, going on 3 (in February), is having one of those developmental leaps that all parents are familiar with. It’s a fun time (and very busy) stage, but glorious to be a part of her daily discoveries and learning. She’s singing her alphabet, recognising letters, shapes, all her colours and numbers and counting objects […]
Photo A Day MAY | Peace
Alice, age 26 months, is starting to get a little tricky with her naps. She can’t really get through a whole day without one… but if she has one too late, or too long, it turns her into a little night owl! It’s going to be a topsy turvy couple of months – coupled with […]
The Gallery: At Peace
In the reflection of the mirror, at the top of the stairs, I stopped to stare. Carried in my arms, my baby once, now a little girl talking, jumping and dancing. So caught up in the world around her, fighting off sleep, not wanting to miss a beat. She’d succumbed to sleep, finally surrendered, sat […]
Cake, candles and ride-ons for Alice’s 2nd Birthday
Two years ago Charlotte and Sophie met their baby sister Alice. They came to greet her in their favourite dresses, sensing it was a very special occasion. Alice had arrived into the world like a dolphin greeting the sunshine – pivoting around as she sprung out of the watery womb of her beginning into air […]
Things Alice is Loving at 17 months…
16 months, cute & cheeky
Alice is now 16 months and likes to help anyway she can (!). On Friday she passed us the empty bottles from the recycling saying, ‘Juice! Cheers!’. She would drink Daddy’s beer if she had half a chance! She certainly knows what Daddy’s favourite juice is. On Saturday she shared her ice-lolly with her Daddy […]
Tongue Twisters for Lyrical Sunday (Week 22)
Charlotte set a tough theme for Lyrical Sunday this week – ‘Tongue Twisters’ (read her poem, which Sophie illustrated here). One of my favourite tongue twisters from my childhood and one that I say a lot living by the seashore with my little’uns is… She sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are […]
Wordless Sunday
10 things I love about Alice at 15 months old
A limited vocabulary of key words can get results. I admire Alice, at 15 months of age, for choosing her words carefully for optimum service from the bigger people around her; ‘More!’ – used whilst pointing at what it is she requires; music, favorite nursery rhymes on DVD, water, food. ‘Nah!’ – used with a […]
A few highs (and lows) from the past week
The first week of a new term is never without a hitch. We only had a two week school holiday to enjoy together, after a long, 11-week, first term. We were just getting into our stride, and really enjoying ourselves, when the end of the holidays hit us with a bang. It felt premature that […]
School Pick-up – the scenic route
Yesterday saw a return of the glowing ball in the sky, minus a southerly Antarctic chill. Since the clocks turned back at the weekend the weather has gone typically unpredictable. One day it is blowing a gail, pelting down horizontal rain and knocking toddlers off their feet, the next it’s warm enough to ditch the […]
Alice Rose is 1!
Where has this year gone? Happy Birthday darling! We love you so much. You came into this world with such open, loving trust. We are honoured to have you in our family and your sisters, Daddy and I love seeing the world anew through your watchful eyes. How fast you’ve grown! From a helpless newborn, […]
Being outmaneuvered by an 11 month old
Blogging is taking a back seat whilst I formulate a strategy to cope with my suddenly very mobile 11 month old. Just when I thought my life would get a little easier – with Sophie joining Charlotte at school – Alice has stepped up to a new level. This week she has gone from taking […]