Charlotte has posted up some rules on her bedroom door… Her door is adorned with crafty goodness begging to be tugged and chewed at as soon as Alice is mobile! She asked me to video her spelling them out so she could share them. And Sophie wanted to share her bedtime white-board art with you,…
Category: Sophie
What a difference
It’s been two weeks since I visited the doctor and sought help for mild-depression. The medication made me feel really tired and fuzzy headed at first and I haven’t been running as a result. On the up side I haven’t been weepy or felt tense and angry. And today, for the first time, I felt…
Loving, Not Loving: Yo-Yo Weather
The weather, like my mind, is unpredictable at the moment. It is Spring after all. Some days we run barefoot in the waves, remembering what summer feels like and getting excited at its approach (LOVE). And I think of the daily collection of sand we’ll bring home in clothes and shoes (NOT LOVING). The need…
Sophie’s biscuits
On Saturday the rain fell heavy and the sound of a courier van on the drive-way was greeted with great excitement. Sophie ran to the door to collect a parcel addressed to her, proudly saying, ‘It’s for me, see, it says S O P H I E!’ Inside was the cooking set she’d won from…
Sophie’s sandwiches
Sophie would like to share her latest creation in the kitchen with you. All that’s required is plenty of bread, an assortment of cookie cutters and some scrumptious spreads, fillings & a sprinkling of 100’s & 1000’s! Here’s her fancy jam sandwiches (it’s amazing how much bread we go through when cookie cutters are involved!)……
Vlog Bake with Sophie
She’s the girl with the wooden spoon, forever thumbing the recipe books for something new to stir up. The biggest obstacle to her cooking success is a kitchen sized for an adult. She drags a chair around the kitchen floor from cooker to cupboard, from fridge to microwave, from the sink to the pantry. What…
It starts over breakfast…
The mess. It starts over breakfast, after the first round of washing has already been mysteriously whipped into the washing machine. Alice enjoys baby cereal off a spoon – but she hasn’t quite got that you hold the spoon by the handle – preferring to get stuck right into the action on the tip of…
Running away with the circus…
‘I can’t wait to go to circus school! Only one more year till I am 8,’ Charlotte enthused to the man supporting her as she balanced on the cog wheel. We were at the Petone Winter Carnival and the Wellington Circus Trust was there giving children and adults an opportunity to run away with the…
Sunshine Sunday Surprise
Sunday morning and Charlotte had a mock jazz exam. By the time it had finished there was an unexpected colour in the sky – BLUE! Sophie hadn’t been pony riding for a while so we piled in the car to the wonderful Country Club Riding Academy in Ohariu Valley. Sophie ran in to greet the…
‘Beaut bike ride home. Wellington is the best city. Ever.’
This was Dan’s tweet on Twitter on his bike ride home last night. He said he just had to stop and take a photograph as it was so awesome. Wellington is great at throwing us days like this to keep us going through the winter. Days that make you stop in your tracks and feel…
What is it about swinging?
No, not swinging as in the mix it up with different partners (this is a family blog after all), but the sit your bum on a piece of wood, rubber or some other platform hanging by a rope or chain and fly through the air kind of swinging. One of my strongest memories of childhood…
Signs of spring to combat the viruses
Back to back viruses continue to plague us, but nothing too severe – just enough to keep one or both children home from school and kindi. We’re into week 3 of term 3 and I’ve had either Charlotte, Sophie, or both the girls home, whilst not feeling great myself with a persistent sore throat and…
Daddy & Sophie cycle to Kindergarten
‘Please can I cycle to Kindi, pleeeease?!’ Sophie pleaded, jumping up and down with her boundless energy. With her Daddy all geared up to cycle into work Sophie decided she’d like to take the green route to Kindergarten and leave the car in the garage. Well, the conditions looked good for it – no mean…
Alice & Sophie share a moment
Sophie hasn’t been A1 this week. She stayed home from Kindi today and shared a special cuddle with her baby sister this morning, whilst we shared a quick coffee with Daddy after taking Charlotte to school… I looked upon them in that moment and saw a glimpse of the future. There will always be bumps…