This morning I caught up with another old friend of my early years in Wellington, who has been living in the UK for a stint. She’s recently returned (New Zealand is her birth country) and has done so with her British hubbie and British born daughter! It was so great to see her and meet […]
Summer in the City: Wellington’s full of surprises!
From November, Wellington revs up for a multitude of events: from small-scale festivals in the various suburbs to grander events in the city centre and surrounds; with the likes of the Meridian Energy Summer City and the New Zealand International Arts Festival. These continue well into March and there’s never enough time to attend all […]
A Dose of Art
On Wednesday morning my friend Marrisa and I ventured out for a dose of art therapy. It was so great to put ourselves first (for a change!), even though we were accompanied by Bethany and Sophie, and take in some stunning local photography. We visited the Westpac St James Theatre, on Courtenay Place, to view […]
The eggs have hatched!
Our mailbox isn’t receiving any mail at the moment; since it’s been inhabited by a Mummy bird and her chicks! It’s so incredible to take a peek at them each day and see them growing. Every time we drive up our driveway the Mummy bird makes a quick exit. Hungry beaks greet us when we […]
Blast from the past: Abel Tasman National Park
Our last trip to Nelson and the stunning Abel Tasman was six week’s after the birth of our first daughter, Charlotte. It was a trip down memory lane for Dan and I; as we’d spent a memorable trip independently kayaking the Abel Tasman. The Nelson region is simply stunning. With a mixture of beach (Abel […]
From Snow to Surf: Happy 70th Aunty Olga!
We woke this morning to an e-mail from ‘Chicken’ Grandma and Grandad (because they make brilliant animal noises on the telephone!) with photographs of them in the snow and Grandad having some beers with his big sister, Aunty Olga, on her 70th Birthday. Grandad Aspinall is one of seven and they are all absolutely brilliant […]
Christmas Parade: Already!
Why does Wellington always hold it’s Christmas Parade in November?! I have no answer to this question, but it’s resulted in the build-up starting early and the girls have been insisting on getting out a few decorations – already. We haven’t gone crazy (yet!), but we’re only weeks away. I probably fuel their excitement as […]
Sophie (at 22 months) Rocks the Plunket Nurse!
Sophie had her ‘Plunket‘ check (health-nurse) this week and it was really just a formality as I know she is absolutely fine on all levels. When it came to her ‘weigh-in’ Sophie started to cry (a rarity for her!) and I said to Sophie, ‘Well, never mind, it’s really not necessary as you’re obviously not […]
Peer Pressure at Four
I never thought I’d have to have this ‘chat’ with Charlotte so early, but sadly it starts young. Of course ‘peer pressure’ is both good and bad. The populace of Charlotte’s Kindi mirrors society in that mostly it is good, but there are some negative elements also. It only takes the occasional bad ‘ring leader’ […]
A Holiday at Home!
Today really felt like a holiday. The weather has been glorious and we are really revving up for our second summer in our new house. It’s great to wake up and be happy to spend the day in and around your home. This morning we took a leisurely stroll to Island Bay enjoying the stunning […]
Guy Fawkes: A Dwindling Event?
Guy Fawkes is still celebrated in New Zealand, but the private sale of fireworks is under threat. Even in York, England, and other places in the UK there will be no big bangs and bonfires as local councils get increasingly risk-averse. We usually stock up on a box of sparklers, to use for special events […]
Did you feel the magic?
The division between the spiritual and material worlds softened this evening and the magic was powerful over Capital E; in Wellington’s Civic Square. There was a strong sense that King Arthur was amongst us as we journeyed into the medieval castle. It was with trepidation that we ventured into the Medieval Horror Hall and it […]
Jealousy and Affection: Sophie’s Nearly Two!
Sophie, at two month’s shy of her second Birthday, today demonstrated what I knew was on the horizon. What was to be our regular, pleasurable afternoon visit to the local playground turned into misery for Sophie and I. Jealousy struck at the heart of Sophie’s emotions and she was in despair. Charlotte, now an independent, […]
Kaka Frenzy at Karori Wildlife Sanctuary
In the midst of Wellington City is Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. New Zealand stood alone from the rest of the world for 85 million years. The only native land-mammal is the short and long-tailed bat (peka peka). Bird life used to be prolific and only on offshore islands, now cleared of introduced predators, can people get […]