Smartly dressed in her school uniform, my eldest daughter appeared in the kitchen, ready to start the new school term. She had an enthusiastic smile and look of eagerness. Dan and I looked at her with pride and soft hearts of love and admiration. She sat up to have breakfast next to her father, talking…
Category: Learning & growing
Lyrical Sunday [Fool]: Am I a Fool?
As I waved Charlotte and her class off on the bus, after watching their cross country race at Karori Park, a child’s voice still rang in my ears… ‘Why is her other daughter not at school?’ And another child’s voice… ‘Does her mother not work?!’ ‘Who teaches her daughter?’ And I answered, ‘I do!’ with…
Notes from our unschooling diary
We’re still finding our way as a family on this new path that our middle daughter is leading us on. We’re getting to know some really lovely families in the home-schooling community (though the word *school* doesn’t really work – as learning in a natural / home environment is very far removed from a school…
Schooling & Unschooling: Our Week
A snapshot of our week, with one daughter at private school (her choice, our expense!), one being unschooled (her choice, our suffering/joy!), one toddler undertaking experiments in life under her own steam at home! In my life this week… I’ve had a rotten cold and the overwhelming feeling of tiredness and body cramps that comes…