I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something that you can be thankful for… no matter how simple it is. There’s a park called Avalon through the mists of Lower Hutt, Where fairy like folk play when the sun is in the sky. There’s no lady in…
Category: Learning & growing
10 things to do in the winter sun on the beach
Draw a giant snakes and ladders games in the sand and play with pebble markers. Make a dice substitute by drawing six rings in the sand (with number 6 in the smallest, centre ring, and number 1 in the largest, outside ring). Choose an object to throw at the rings to score (could be a…
Notes from our Home School Journal, 22 June, 2012
In my life this week: The week’s got better as it’s gone on – along with the weather. We had our big school girl, Charlotte, home on Thursday. She’s been having a few too many late nights – getting carried away with her enthusiasm for learning and entering the New Zealand Association for Gifted Children…
Notes from our Home School Journal: 17 June, 2012
In my life this week… It’s been a wild week of stormy weather, high tides and huge waves. My big school girl was home on Thursday and Friday, with the cold the rest of the family have been suffering. Having her home was lovely – she is amazing at encouraging and inspiring her home-schooling sister…
Notes from our Home School Journal, 12 June, 2012
Catching up from last week with this post. I’m finding this weekly review a useful exercise. In my life last week… The whole family, except my oldest, had colds. Blur! I only had three days of my homeschooler and youngest at home – what with the long Queen’s Birthday weekend and Diamond Jubilee, giving us…
Swim Home Carpet Shark! You are free!
The old bait house in Island Bay is home to a wonderful little ‘Marine Education Centre‘ that provides the children of Wellington the opportunity to get hands on with the creatures that live along the South Coast. On Sunday we popped in to give Alice and Sophie an opportunity to say hello to the rocky…
Notes from our Home School Journal, 2 June, 2012
In our homeschool this week… We’ve had a very social, out and about, catching up with friends kind of week. A very different week to last week – when we did get out – but we kept more to ourselves and were a lot more focused on traditional learning. Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to…
Things I’m Loving & Rounding Up Photo a Day MAY 23 – 31
LOVE the surprise of a huge pile of sand on the beach (that appeared literally over night down at Lyall Bay). Photo a Day MAY | 25th | UNUSUAL LOVE seeing Charlotte and Sophie team up and learn to play a few tunes together on their recorders (which were a Christmas present, at least two…
Notes from our Home School Journal, 25 May, 2012
We’ve had a really industrious week. A little planning on Sunday really helped everything flow this week (and the great weather has definitely helped with a positive outlook!). But though I planned ideas for different learning areas – I kept entirely flexible – gauging where there was interest and pursing only when I saw that…
Learning, rock pooling & something ‘PINK’!
This morning we were greeted to sunshine, blue sky and no wind – late autumnal weather of the finest kind. After an hour of on-line work (Sophie has been checking out K12 online school and doing some free trail lessons), we closed off the electronics and headed out the front door for some fresh air…
Photo A Day MAY | Where I stand
My two year old is on a growth spurt, cutting her last four molars, and developing her mind at a fast pace – all this makes for occasional wake up calls in the middle of the night. Thankfully, she’s all smiles and easily placated with a couple of crisp breads with Marmite (thankfully we’ve still…
Look what I found in Wellington… A Love Letter!
I was sat on a bench by the bucket water fountain on Cuba Mall, Wellington, sipping a latte in the sunshine, and watching my children play on the little playground. I had been feeling quite shaky and flat emotionally. My youngest daughter, Alice, is two and her sleep has been somewhat erratic of late. It…
Sunshine Monday at The Chocolate Fish
Sophie, Alice and I spent four hours today hanging out at the ‘Chocolate Fish‘, in Shelly Bay, Wellington, with a lovely unschooler friend and her two amazing children. The children all enjoyed each other’s company so much, that my friend and I enjoyed a lovely chat. I even found a moment to do a quick…
Week in the life | Friday & Things I’m Loving
It’s been a strange week of documenting every slice of life for ‘Week in the life‘ – but great to reflect and observe our life too. Today it’s raining. I’m tired. Alice was awake for a couple of hours in the night (again) – over stimulated probably – late to bed (she’s making up for…