Obviously food, clean water and shelter (which I’m extremely grateful for every day) are the essentials that I can’t live without – and my heart frequently aches for the millions of people around the world that are struggling to survive without the basics. But, beyond those essentials, is LOVE. The love of my family is…
Category: Charlotte
Something that Makes You Happy & Mums!
Hubbie came home from his travels yesterday and the smiles were BEAMING on all our faces. The sunshine returned to Wellington too, a perfect welcome home. HAPPY! HAPPY! HAPPY! Today in New Zealand is ‘Mothers Day’ (and in many other countries around the world). So LOVE to all my lovely Mummy friends and my own…
Sunshine Monday at The Chocolate Fish
Sophie, Alice and I spent four hours today hanging out at the ‘Chocolate Fish‘, in Shelly Bay, Wellington, with a lovely unschooler friend and her two amazing children. The children all enjoyed each other’s company so much, that my friend and I enjoyed a lovely chat. I even found a moment to do a quick…
Week in the life | Sunday
Our first ‘garage sale’ has been and gone, with lots of preparation and sorting out – but only a few customers (we only told friends). Nevertheless, it was an amusing exercise for Charlotte and Sophie – with long, detailed discussions on garage sale etiquette and how best to sell, a sharing out of the float…
Things I’m Loving: Laying Low!
Midnight on Thursday Alice was sick – I thought it was just the spag bog (quite a rich sauce), but it’s now Saturday morning and she’s still not holding down much. She must be getting some fluids through – as she’s not being sick straight after drinking (and she’s breastfeeding too), but every two to…
Easter Saturday Sunshine in Wellington!
Wellington put on a show for Easter Saturday. It was an incredible day of sunshine and no wind. Perfect for entertaining Auntie Claire and enjoying some action in the outdoors. We enjoyed an action packed day on the waterfront. She went out on a kayak with Sophie, whilst I kayaked with Alice. Out on the…
Things I’m Loving: My sister is here!
After nearly five years she’s here! I felt dazed when she appeared from behind the sliding door at arrivals on Tuesday afternoon. She was like a mirage. It’s taken me till now, Thursday, to truly believe she’s real and not a figment of my imagination. The first day I kept touching her, but not really…
Things I’m Loving: To my beautiful 8 year old x
“When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I’m feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things, And then I don’t feel so bad.” – ‘My Favourite Things‘ from The Sound of Music LOVE listening to YOU – My beautiful 8 year old, singing this classic song. And LOVE so many other wonderful things, as…
A fitting end to daylight saving
Sunday 1 April signals the end of daylight saving in New Zealand. Clocks wind back one hour and night will fall around 6.30pm. So, one week before the nights draw in, we went to the Botanical Garden in Wellington for some music and grooving as dusk drew in. Eagles tribute music from ‘Life In The…
Weekend snaps
We welcomed home our man of the house on Saturday, after he’d been away in Melbourne on a business trip for a few nights. Charlotte & Sophie made beautiful banners to welcome him… We had fun at Seatoun School Fair on Sunday – and Alice was SO happy to get a ride on ‘the rocket’…
My daughter is unhappy at school with a strict teacher
What to do? Ever since she returned to school after the long summer holiday she’s been different. Last year she couldn’t wait to get to new school each day (she started half-way through the year, for term 3 and 4). She would be the first up in the house. She’d make her breakfast and be…
Happy Leap Day this Wednesday 29th February 2012!
We didn’t catch a frog today, but we did watch, ‘The Princess and The Frog‘ and dived off the stairs into a ‘pool’ of cushions and blankets like frogs. We did eat green jelly – yummy 🙂 and we talked about French people eating ‘frogs legs’ – which led to a session of learning to…
My three little lounge lizards – an update
I’ve had the delight of my three little lounge lizards all being home on Wednesday and Friday last week (as Charlotte – Dear Daughter 8 – is a bit tired with the start of the school year – lots of testing and goal setting). It’s been so great to have Charlotte home with us, as…
Silent Sunday
_________________________________________________________ For more Silent Sunday photos check out the #SilentSunday hashtag on twitter and there is now a linky being hosted at Love All Blogs too. And thanks to dear hubbie for looking after DD2 and DD6 so that I could enjoy some precious one-on-one time with my DD8. It was time well spent (and yes,…