when you have food! Alice really has a taste for pasta bolognaise! She just needs a sombrero and she’d pass as a Mexican with this smattering of sauce all over her chops 🙂
Alice Rose, such a little charmer
Six day’s on and we’re doing great. Alice is feeding well, calm, placid and a little charmer. She’s already worked her magic on Charli and Sophie, who are absolutely besotted with her. Of course Dan and I have felt exhausted for much of the week, but now it’s the weekend and we’ve both had a […]
Baby has arrived!
Alice Rose was born this morning at 5.35am! All very well, weighing 7 pounds 12 or 3.4kg, and it was a natural birth (finally!). So nice to be drug free and I caught her as she cork-screwed out (after a lot of pushing!). She is so peaceful and has just fed, slept and looked around. […]
Come on baby…
Woke up this morning after spending half the night up and down like a jack-in-a-box (if only I was THAT fast!) to visit the toilet. Mild contractions which have continued ALL DAY! Every 10 minutes they’ve washed over me, teasing me into thinking that baby would come today. Dan stayed home from work and did […]
One week till due date
Where has this week gone? We’re back in the old routines of school and kindi and slowly adjusting. The girls have mostly been good for me in the morning; so I haven’t had too many drill sergeant major moments, but I do feel a little on edge with a rapid change in hormones. I’ve been […]
First day, first term, new year
I was having ‘going back to school’ dreams this week, apprehensive of how the girls would react after nearly seven week’s of freedom. But I needn’t have worried. They were super good for me getting out the door and bounded into school and kindi with great excitement. Charli ran on ahead and into her new […]
An amazing few days
It is absolutely incredible to have Grandma and Granddad here! This week we’ve been blessed with warm weather and even the showers on Wednesday morning and Thursday weren’t enough to dampen our spirits. In fact we spent Thursday at Zealandia (previously known as Karori Wildlife Sanctuary) where we walked for over three hour’s through the […]
Manic madness
The sun greeted Wellington for a change yesterday morning and pre-made plans to meet some girl-friends at the pool were laid to one side as the sun was just too good to miss. Just as well we grabbed the chance to enjoy it, since today is like a throw back to winter. As I write […]
Busy feet
I really marvel at myself on days like today. Dan was busy hosting a function at the office tonight, so it’s been a looooooong day with the girls. They woke at 8.30am, which was great, but they didn’t get to sleep till 9ish – so I’ve been on my feet, running laps around the house […]
10 week’s (ish!) to go…
It doesn’t seem that long ago that I wrote the post, ‘11 week’s ago today,’ and now here I am counting down the weeks till bubs arrival! Sophie took this photo today (I’m 30 week’s pregnant tomorrow): With Christmas, the school holidays and my folks visit from the UK in mid-January we have so much […]
Thanking the sisterhood!
Thanking the sisterhood today for making a woman entering her third trimester of pregnancy feel great 🙂 First, someone at school said (as I bent down to put Charli’s water bottle in the tray, whilst wearing my white, tight, cropped trousers), ‘Wow, you’re looking great, all baby and nothing else. How do you do that?!’, […]
High Energy
If only I had some of it – high energy that is. Both my girls are full of beans from morning to night. They have such a need to throw their bodies around. At school and kindi pick-up the Mum’s of boys say, ‘You’ll get a shock if your third baby is a boy,’ but […]
Scan reenactment by Charli & Sophie
Ever since we took the girls along for my 20 week scan they have been reenacting it in very interesting and creative ways. I first came across them doing this a couple of week’s ago. They take it in turns to crawl into a tunnel (Mummy’s tummy) and pretend to be the baby, whilst the […]
Not to be revealed
We returned from a wonderful week’s holiday yesterday and had the excitement of bubs scan this afternoon! Thankfully, all is going extremely well and everything is where it should be. Bubs is growing really well with the due date being put at 13 February, five day’s ahead of my original estimated due date of 18 […]