I’m going to be running out of wall space at this rate! Charlotte, in particular, is producing artwork faster than I can find a hammer and nail (and spare wall to hang them!). She’s been working away on an art exhibition at school this term, which has fired up her natural imagination and creativity to […]
A Spontaneous Friday Morning, Rainbows & Sculptures
There’s nothing quite so good as a Friday morning that’s starts off questionable, shows a little hope… …and then turns out beautiful. As sensible as it is to be organised and make plans, it’s also so liberating to have a slice of unplanned freedom in a day (or every so often). After tanking up with […]
What made today mean something?
I knew how it was going to end before they even began. I wished for a moment the grown up in me, lurking somewhere, would step forward and declare the activity ill-timed. But the child in me wanted to aid their spontaneous creativity; even though the adult knew we’d be forced to clean up the […]
Art for Lyrical Sunday
Now it’s your turn! Looking forward to reading your posts 🙂 If you’re new to Lyrical Sunday and would like to join in, read more about how it started here…
Art theme for Lyrical Sunday this week…
Something a little different this week… Charlotte’s school have been doing tons of ultra cool art this term and at home we are overflowing with her creations. She has come up with the theme of ‘Art‘ for this coming Sunday’s ‘Lyrical Sunday‘. So put on your thinking caps, pull out your paintbrushes and paint pallet, […]
The Gallery: I’m Grateful For
This week a lovely lady and Mum to four, Chris (of ‘Thinly Spread‘ blog), is on an incredible journey to see the children of Mozambique. She has embarked on a journey, with Save the Children, for the ‘No Child Born to Die‘ campaign, which I blogged about recently. Chris hasn’t left her own children for […]
Things I’m Loving: Art Attack!
We’ve had ups and down with school this week, but the week has thankfully ended positively and there’s been so much wonderful creativity happening. Loving this artwork that Charlotte has done this week… Letter writing from Charlotte and Sophie to their pen-friends and to our sponsored child, Tracy, in Africa… Sisters hanging out together and […]
Nature Tools Create Art
Charlotte came back from a school trip to the Petone Settlers Museum on Wednesday and taught us something special that she had learned… She had learned how the early settlers made brushes from Harakeke (flax), using a shell to gently scrape back the end of the flax. Charlotte taught Sophie and they spent an hour […]
After three and a half years, we are more than ready to…
Welcome Chinese Grandma & Granddad, who arrive Saturday afternoon from the UK! It’s been three and a half years since we last saw them. Chinese Granddad has never been to New Zealand. Grandma was over in 2005 for Sophie’s arrival into the world. And they have never met Alice. How exciting! The girls are very, […]
It’s snowing like you wouldn’t believe…
in England (and in parts of Australia!). Here in New Zealand we’re thinking of our northern hemisphere loved ones as we snip, decorate and paste paper snowflakes on the windows. My wonderful sister’s boyfriend, Mike Hutton, sent me this photograph of my father and sister at The Roaches, near where Claire and Mike live in […]
4 Seasons: Making, Baking, Coughing & Spluttering
The nippers all have coughs and snuffles, which is surprising for the season. They are still happy loves, but a little on the tired side and having more time off school and kindi than usual (really don’t want to pass on germs just prior to Christmas!). Poor bubba isn’t sleeping well with her snuffles (which […]
A Forecast to Smile About
After the deluge of rain that drenched Wellington on Thursday we were so delighted to see the sunshine on Friday. What’s more the forecast for the whole week is SUN, SUN, SUN! Now that’s something to SMILE about, especially on the school holidays! I’d pre-booked to take the girls to a craft activity in the […]
Fun simple flower craft
This week we came across these wonderful cardboard flowers from the Warehouse Stationery. They are so handy to have for impromptu play-dates. The girls have really enjoyed decorating them with a variety of materials. For these flowers Charlotte used wool (left) and glitter glue (right): The beautiful flowers below were decorated using old magazines (left) […]
Spring Crafts with Children
The start of a new season always motivates me to search out craft ideas to do with my children. There is an overwhelming selection of wonderful ideas on the Internet. Here are a few lovely finds that I’m looking forward to doing (if I can find an opportunity to get to a craft store and […]