No, not swinging as in the mix it up with different partners (this is a family blog after all), but the sit your bum on a piece of wood, rubber or some other platform hanging by a rope or chain and fly through the air kind of swinging. One of my strongest memories of childhood […]
Signs of spring to combat the viruses
Back to back viruses continue to plague us, but nothing too severe – just enough to keep one or both children home from school and kindi. We’re into week 3 of term 3 and I’ve had either Charlotte, Sophie, or both the girls home, whilst not feeling great myself with a persistent sore throat and […]
Happy to have my sisters home
Ah goo! I am Alice. I am five and a half month’s old and probably the world’s youngest blogger (chuckle, chuckle). I just had to have a turn dribbling over Mummy’s Mac, as I’ve spent my whole life being fed in front of it whilst she types one handed, or napping on her shoulder to […]
The Joys of Responsible Parenting
This morning started out with all the pleasures of parenting… of Daddy and daughter on the football pitch at ‘Little Dribblers‘… and Mummy and daughter walking down to beautiful Lyall Bay on a sunny, windless, Sunday with baby sleeping peacefully to the sound of the waves and the motion of her mother’s step… and then […]
Alice & Sophie share a moment
Sophie hasn’t been A1 this week. She stayed home from Kindi today and shared a special cuddle with her baby sister this morning, whilst we shared a quick coffee with Daddy after taking Charlotte to school… I looked upon them in that moment and saw a glimpse of the future. There will always be bumps […]
5 month’s, 2 teeth & sitting pretty
Dear Alice, My calendar tells me you are 22 week’s old and you are beginning to sit, unaided, mighty fine. Your big sisters think it’s hilarious to watch you wibble wobble and topple, but they are very proud of you too. It’s quite amazing to think only 5 month’s ago you could barely turn your […]
Needing sleep
And now she lies here blowing raspberries at me like it’s all a big joke. 1.32 AM my clock reads. She’s fed and slept, but I’ve snatched only pockets of twenty minutes sleep at a time. Third night in a row. Hubbie took her downstairs. He said kindly, ‘Get some sleep love.’ But as I […]
A dribbling, bubble blowing fanfare
Stand back! Cover up! Alice’s latest party trick is producing a big dribbling, bubble blowing fanfare, complete with chuckles. And she’s rather good at doing the turtle too… She loves to giggle over our shoulders and is very ticklish. She loves it when we kiss her chubby cheeks, nuzzle her ear and blow raspberries on […]
Wild beauty & time well spent
Rock pooling, rock climbing and tossing the largest rocks we could carry into the sea was a great way to spend an hour of our time this afternoon. Wellington’s south coast is wild, rugged and forever changing with the tide, weather and shadows of light from sunrise to sunset. I don’t think we’ll ever tire […]
Chocolate cake to combat cabin fever
Sophie woke with a cold on Tuesday morning. It was one of those mornings when finding a positive reason to get out of bed wasn’t easy. Howling southerlies ripped through the beams of the house. Like most Kiwi houses, we have a metal roof which makes the sound of rain and hail feel primitively close. […]
She who trusts
There is no clock in Alice’s world, only the difference in light between night and day. She feeds when she’s hungry. She sleeps when she needs to. And spends her wakeful time drinking in every sight, sound and texture. The only taste to cross her lips is that of her mother’s milk from the breast. […]
She left the breakfast dishes with guilty abandonement. She knew she had an hour, if she was lucky. She wasn’t really dressed warm enough, but baby Alice was already strapped to her chest, so she grabbed a blanket and wrapped it snug around them both. ‘Exercise and fresh air; both high on the list of […]
YUCK [Kids Click]
Kids Click competition, from Greatfun4kids, now has a blog site of its own and the competitions are running once a fortnight. The theme for this fortnight is ‘YUCK’ and Charlotte (age 6) took this photograph of a terribly explosive, overflowing ‘nappy filler’ as she calls them: We have plenty of these now that Alice’s stomach […]
SkyWatch Friday: Last of the sun before the rains
This was the sky on Sunday, as we ran in the last hours of the setting sun. It’s now Thursday and we’ve been corked in with an oppressive grey sky, incessant rain and now the wind has started to throw its weight around. Few parts of the country have escaped and there is flooding in […]