Sophie: Since I started walking there has hardly been a moment when the wind hasn’t been trying to blow me off my feet (and when it nearly does Mummy is always quick to sweep me off my feet just in time)!
Author: Sophie
Firsts for Sophie
Lessons with Charlotte
Big sister Charlotte has been busy showing me the art of sand pouring and taking the lid on and off the play dough.
Look! No hands! Approaching 11 months
Look! No hands! This weekend I will be 11 months old and standing up with no hands is a major achievement for me.
Standing on 10 Months
Nine Months and Crawling… (time to hide your toys Charli!)
On the first night of my Taupo holiday I finally learnt how to roll onto my tummy. Daddy had taken Charli down to the bar, whilst Mummy tried to get me to sleep (but that was the furthest thing from my mind!).
Crazy Games with Big Sis!
Water Play With “Ma Ma”
I am beginning to enjoy the delights of water play and try to say, ‘Good’ whenever I see that magical liquid.
I want to move! I’m fast approaching 8 month’s old and I have decided it’s time to put down the books and get moving.