Every year 9 million children under the age of 5 die – most of them from preventable causes like diarrhoea. At the beginning of September three of the UK’s best known mummy bloggers are heading to Bangladesh to see the work Save the Children does with children and mums first hand. Follow them as they…
Author: BritMumInNZ
Carrying my baby in natural style
I ordered a beautiful Mei-Tai from Oyako last week, having read about them on Juggling Motherhood’s ‘5 great finds‘. I already have a ‘front-pack’, but it’s heavy, bulky and doesn’t fold up easily in a bag. I love carrying my little ones for naps and trailing around after my older girls. When I saw the…
World Breastfeeding Week
As Dan waited for the bus on Friday morning he struck up a conversation with a lady and her 18 month old child. She was heading off to ‘The Big Latch On‘ at Wellington Town Hall for World Breastfeeding Week. He told me he said how proud he was of his wife breastfeeding for so…
Sunshine Sunday Surprise
Sunday morning and Charlotte had a mock jazz exam. By the time it had finished there was an unexpected colour in the sky – BLUE! Sophie hadn’t been pony riding for a while so we piled in the car to the wonderful Country Club Riding Academy in Ohariu Valley. Sophie ran in to greet the…
Loving, not loving lately…
Loving a Daddy buying flowers for his girls, just because… Sophie’s favourite colour is yellow… And Charotte loves to experiment with colour, watching and waiting, green, purple, blue and red… Not loving cleaning up a paint trail in the laundry after Sophie’s finished painting pebbles. Loving walks in the rain on a Saturday afternoon with…
Trying to stay focused on the magic
I’d forgotten how life with a baby can sometimes feel a little relentless. It’s easy to get caught up in the repetition and forget to focus on the magic. Yesterday started well, with berry muffins freshly baked and cooling down at 9.30am. Sophie, still home from Kindi with a cold, played well and Alice was…
‘Beaut bike ride home. Wellington is the best city. Ever.’
This was Dan’s tweet on Twitter on his bike ride home last night. He said he just had to stop and take a photograph as it was so awesome. Wellington is great at throwing us days like this to keep us going through the winter. Days that make you stop in your tracks and feel…
What is it about swinging?
No, not swinging as in the mix it up with different partners (this is a family blog after all), but the sit your bum on a piece of wood, rubber or some other platform hanging by a rope or chain and fly through the air kind of swinging. One of my strongest memories of childhood…
Signs of spring to combat the viruses
Back to back viruses continue to plague us, but nothing too severe – just enough to keep one or both children home from school and kindi. We’re into week 3 of term 3 and I’ve had either Charlotte, Sophie, or both the girls home, whilst not feeling great myself with a persistent sore throat and…
Hope, Faith, Love & Luck
The junior school field was a sea of clover in the summer. I was at that magical age of seven when everything seems possible and the world full of intrigue and mystery. I’d heard about the legendary four-leaf clover and with a sea of clover under my bare-feet I couldn’t resist the thought that one…
Daddy & Sophie cycle to Kindergarten
‘Please can I cycle to Kindi, pleeeease?!’ Sophie pleaded, jumping up and down with her boundless energy. With her Daddy all geared up to cycle into work Sophie decided she’d like to take the green route to Kindergarten and leave the car in the garage. Well, the conditions looked good for it – no mean…
The Joys of Responsible Parenting
This morning started out with all the pleasures of parenting… of Daddy and daughter on the football pitch at ‘Little Dribblers‘… and Mummy and daughter walking down to beautiful Lyall Bay on a sunny, windless, Sunday with baby sleeping peacefully to the sound of the waves and the motion of her mother’s step… and then…
Walking back in time
‘Race you to the top!’ I shouted to my sister as my legs started at a run up to the summit of the hill. ‘See you up there girls. We’ll take our time and enjoy the scenery,’ my Dad said with a smile of pride and perhaps a hint of envy at our boundless energy….
Signing off from the Pennine Way
We’re so proud of my sister (aka Aunty Claire to the girls) who completed the Pennine Way at the weekend, with Chicken Grandma & Granddad supporting her along the way. Chicken Grandma reckons she could write a book on ‘Granny goes Youth Hosteling!’ We have missed talking to them on the phone and on Skype…