‘I’m dreaming of a white Christmas… just like the ones I used to know…’ But actually, I’m not! Though I still love that song and it does make me feel all squishy and nostalgic. In our garden we have plenty of white, but of the flowering variety. I find my eye is especially drawn to…
Author: BritMumInNZ
4 Seasons: Making, Baking, Coughing & Spluttering
The nippers all have coughs and snuffles, which is surprising for the season. They are still happy loves, but a little on the tired side and having more time off school and kindi than usual (really don’t want to pass on germs just prior to Christmas!). Poor bubba isn’t sleeping well with her snuffles (which…
You know you’re a Mum when…
you turn up at the doctor’s surgery covered in glitter and don’t blink an eye when both the receptionist and the doctor make a very obvious statement about it. ‘No,’ I replied (in a very matter of fact, this is perfectly normal tone), ‘I am not heading out for an extravagant night on the tiles…
Christmas in the garden & at the beach
National Jandal Day couldn’t have asked for better weather. Wellington was bathed in sunshine with collectors reaping the rewards for Surf Life Saving NZ. Charlotte spent most of the day with her entire school at the fabulous Wainui Summer Pools, whilst Sophie, Alice and I had a quiet morning at home and in the garden….
Christmas Carols & Writing Workshop: Let’s Get Lyrical
In the boxes of decorations that we unearthed from under the stairs we discovered our wonderful collection of Christmas books and Christmas music. We have books that tell the story of the birth of Jesus and the journey Mary and Joseph had to make to Bethlehem; board books for Alice to discover the joys of…
1 December and up she goes!
With all three of my lovely cherubs at home with snuffly summer colds today we took the opportunity to dig out the Christmas decorations from under the stairs. It was fun, messy and a little bit tiring… The big boxes made for some fun dens and helped to keep Alice distracted long enough for me…
Celebrations – Let the countdown begin!
1 December, the first official day of summer in New Zealand and the big countdown to Christmas Day has begun! In our home we also have the special celebration of Sophie’s 5th Birthday coming up and her last day at Kindergarten. She will start school next term and is very excited! Charlotte is nervously awaiting…
4 Seasons: Riding the first wave of summer
Officially the first day of summer in New Zealand is 1 December. This past week summer has come early. Normally we have a fair bit of unsettled spring weather all the way up to Christmas, but not this year. Calm, sunny skies have made for some primo beach visits. For the first time ever Charlotte…
Free range Friday
It’s been a week of sunshine in Wellington. Summer officially starts on 1 December and the weather sure is hotting up in preparation. This past week we’ve been enjoying the fun of the season in the garden and at the beach. It’s also been busy with organising Christmas post to the UK and trying to…
I Am: ‘Sleep is for the Weak’ Writing Workshop
I Am Alive in the moment. Engaged in the now. A body of excitement, Bathed in the sun’s glow. Traces of the sea, stay to play. As my skin drips, with jewels of spray. The taste on my tongue is salty sweet, Whilst waves of foam crash at my feet. I giggle as the surf…
The Gallery: ‘Black and White’ mourning the loss of twenty nine brave souls
The theme on ‘The Gallery‘ this week is ‘Black and White‘. I had lots of ideas for this, from piano keys to black ink on a white page, but the saddest news has shadowed all my thoughts. Since Friday the whole of New Zealand has been caught up in the plight of twenty nine miners…
Full Moon ‘Tails’
Over at Cottage Tails blog something special has started. Every full moon we gather to tell our tales of the day. Over the year(s) we shall document on the full moon what we have planted, eaten, tended to in our garden. We shall record what we have done in our daily activities. It will be…
Due Date: Six months of waiting to be with the one I loved.
Joining in with Sleep is for the Weak Writing Workshop: Life on Film this week. I chose the first prompt: Due Date – Tell us about something anticipated and what happened when it arrived. ‘Daniel is leaving tonight on a plane, I can see the tail lights heading for Spain…’ The words of the song…
Poem about the time someone made you smile: ALICE
A Articulate is not a word we can yet attribute to your name, Although your name does start with A. Adorable Alice, of words yet lame, Although many attractive sounds you say. L Mama, Dada, Baba… all arouse a smile and more. We listen with attentive ears. Learning your language is never a bore, Love…