Relaxed in a hammock, I smile, watching my seven year old daughter, a florist for a moment, carefully cutting roses from the garden, clutched in her fist. The thorns she is wary of, bees she accepts for without their buzzing, there’d be no roses footsteps are left with care, leaving no debts roses arranged,…
Author: BritMumInNZ
It takes – but forget – we will not
The disease does nothing but take – life long memories slowly ripped away whilst new ones can no longer be retained. She’s at her happiest in the moment – when walking in nature throwing seeds for the birds watching squirrels forage for nuts. Together we sit, and colour in pictures pick lavender and smell…
Wanaka is so easy to LOVE! 10 things we did & loved in Wanaka…
Wanaka is one of those places that I felt pained to leave. After a week’s stay, in beautiful spring weather, we returned to Wellington – and I sulked for a week. Don’t get me wrong – I do adore Wellington (after all it’s been my home for nearly twenty years!) but the holiday blues hit…
Our snow fun adventures | Winter 2017 NZ
We’ve had such a blast this winter! For the first time we bought ski season passes for Mt Ruapehu for the whole family – giving us freedom to ski on both sides of the mountain, at Whakapapa and Turoa ski-fields. It’s really great to be able to access the snow in under four hours, driving…
Birthday celebrations in the Peak District
On the day of my 43rd Birthday (after having ran my first fell run with my sister the night before) we headed out at a much more sedate pace to enjoy some local sights. Our first stop was Castleton, a village in the High Peak district of Derbyshire, England. We took a stroll around the little…
A hike in the Peak District National Park, from Edale to Chinley
The day after arriving in the Peak District, at my sister’s house, we set out on a crisp spring morning (a chilly 7°C) with my parents and sister’s partner. We took the train, from Chinley to Edale, so we could hike back across the hills, covering nearly 400(m) of elevation gain in 12km (nearly 8…
My First Marathon and ‘My May Challenge’ for the Mental Health Foundation of NZ
I’ve ran eight half marathons in the past three years (the first was a turning forty ‘gift’ to myself – all be it in an incredible location – Solvang, California) and only once thought about running a full marathon – last year. I actually signed up and started the training, but struck an injury on a…
Peak District loves with my folks in England
The second part of my visit to family in England (part one here) was spent in the Peak District, with my folks, sister and her partner. In a short three day, four night visit we enjoyed an 8 mile hike from Edale to Chinley (blog post here), I ran my first fell run at Herod…
A fix of family, English countryside & history in Hampshire
Mid April I took off from Wellington, New Zealand, flying over the great Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, to visit my folks in England. I was keen to see my Mum, who’d turned seventy on the 2nd April, and to spend some precious time with her, my Dad, sister and partner. I flew solo, for…
The Glass Jar
THE GLASS JAR Daylight saving has ended the earth has turned on its axis days have shortened nights are long and when the clouds set in – with incessant rain the darkness tries to pull me along. . I turn to the glass jar a recipe of strength to ward off the blackness. …
Paws #NaPoWriMo
PAWS Floorboards marked with mud and sand telling stories of the land; adventures in the rain muddy tracks, sodden fields blades of grass sticks and twigs – all brought in on his paws. Days of sunshine spent on beaches sand on beds and couches, remnants of a day well spent. Grass spurs from country walks,…
Autumn mushroom #NaPoWriMo
MUSHROOM On the edge of the forest path, defiant to the shortening day, the fungi’s startling colour stood, bold red, with white spots, under which a fairy ought to play. It stood in stark contrast to the greens and browns, tree roots, rotting leaves and muddy ditches. Autumn could not be ignored and the mushroom warned not to…
Exploring the new Matairangi Nature Trail, Wellington
I first stumbled across the enticing play areas of the Matairangi Nature Trail, along the ridge line of Mt Victoria, on one of my long runs. I couldn’t wait to grab an opportunity to bring my two youngest children to explore, climb and play. I’ve always loved walking and running the town belt trails of…
Cigna Round the Bays half marathon, Wellington, & our youngest running the 6.5km!
I run because it makes me feel free of thought. When I run I feel like I’m meditating (not that I’ve ever done that successfully, but it’s how I’d imagine I’d feel if I made time to meditate – though with a more elevated heart rate!). Running frees my mind of thought. I only think…