A well overdue BBQ dazzled in a blaze of light here on Saturday night. It was the first non-children’s Birthday party we’ve had since Alice was born (she’s coming up two in February). With summer officially a month away, and our spring being a seasonally typical windy and wet one, we sent out the invitations…
Author: BritMumInNZ
Energy – Inspiration Weekly
___________________________________________ Join in and link up here today, or any time this week, with this week’s ‘Inspiration Weekly‘. The theme is ENERGY. A picture, a poem, a story, a photograph or even music. How does ‘Energy’ inspire you?
22 things I have done since becoming a parent…
Sung’ Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ more times than I’d like to think about. Not had a lie-in past 9am for over 8 years, but had plenty of mid-day naps. Scrubbed Weet-Bix off the kitchen floor till my hands nearly bled (that stuff is like cement to shift when it has set!). Got up in the…
Tension & Elation
Charlotte, Sophie and Alice weren’t awake to watch the RWC 2011 Final, between the All Blacks and France, on Sunday. They watched the replay the next day – without the tension! We celebrated with a large pavlova, fresh cream, strawberries and kiwi fruit for morning tea. Dan watched the live game on TV with a…
‘Energy’ for Week 32 of Inspiration Weekly (formerly Lyrical Sunday)
At the beginning of 2011 Charlotte came up with the idea of setting a theme once a week and writing a poem on it. It’s amazing to look back on all the poetry and inspiration that’s been produced in the past weeks (particular thanks to Cyndi, from Latte Junkie, for her amazing contributions, to Jen…
The fairies have been busy!
As Sophie writes in her recent blog post the fairies have been really busy at our house recently, one fairy in particular (though we think she had a little help from someone). Sophie had been waiting a long time for one of her top middle teeth to fall out. It had been hanging on a…
Counting down to the RWC 2011 Final!
With minutes to go till the RWC 2011 Final I’ve been reflecting on the impact of the rugby on our household. Today we wrote our support in the sand, willing the All Blacks to succeed in tonight’s final game. Tonight I sit quietly, watching. Sophie lies on a camp bed in the lounge. Alice is…
A new start is rarely all smooth going
This week has been one of change and adjustment. Sophie joined Charlotte at school. I stepped up a gear with morning school preparations and post school fall out. Alice adapted to moving at her own pace with a little more ‘down time’ during the day. Charlotte enthusiastically embraced the start of term 4 whilst supporting…
A few things I don’t want Alice to forget
I always think it’s sad that our children don’t remember much of their first years of life. I like to think that all the rich and wonderful experiences we savour together help to imprint a map in the neurons to guide my children on positive paths in the future. Right now, as our daughter Sophie…
Sunday snippets & a bus with a big heart
On Sunday we took a jaunt into Wellington town, where Sophie and Charlotte took their Daddy skipping along the waterfront. Alice took a nap, warm and snug in her buggy. Whilst we stopped for coffee and cake (and Sophie gleefully devoured a chocolate fish with her fluffy!). And whilst Dan took Sophie to expel some…
The SHAPE of Death: Lyrical Sunday
My daughter Charlotte challenged me to use ‘shapes’ as inspiration for Lyrical Sunday this week. I’m linking up here (where she’s written a fun Haiku). If you’d like to join in too then please do! My poem is also a Haiku and I’ve met the challenge of using ‘shapes’ to inspire me, but my poem is…
Things I’m Loving this second week of our school spring hols
⤠Charlotte and her friend, visiting from Australia, delighting in the mud (it’s been a very wet Spring holiday break!). ⤠Sophie fizzing with excitement at getting her school uniform. She can’t wait to start on Monday! ⤠Alice such a cutie with her kiss curls, giggles and ability to repeat any word we say….
Five years from now… (Week 2 of Life Circle)
I will be happily living in Wellington, married to my husband of 17 years and friend of 24 years. Our three daughters will be aged 13, 10 and 6. My youngest daughter will have been at school for nearly 2 years (having started on her 5th Birthday). I will be working part time to help…
A Curious Wonderland
It’s spring school holidays here in Wellington and ‘Capital E‘ is always high on our list of ‘must do’ activities, with theatre, workshops, crafts and wonderful spaces to delight the senses. We didn’t make it to the theatre today, but did make a couple of wonderful ‘Fishy Friends’ – before going on to visit a…