Author: BritMumInNZ
Things I’m Loving
In less than three weeks we fly away from our home of some fifteen years, New Zealand, to start an adventure living in Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Our new adventure may be for just a year, three years, or possibly more. In this past week we flew up to Auckland, from our home in Wellington, […]
Prose for Thought | Life’s Flow
I enjoyed a beautiful run as the sun set over the Cook Strait, between New Zealand’s north and south island. It was a perfect winter’s evening, with just enough of a breeze to support me in finding my breath and driving my step. It was the kind of evening that cannot be passed by without […]
Things I’m Loving this wintery week in Wellington
The countdown till we leave New Zealand is sadly on. We will fly out on 7 August, but as that time draws closer we are enjoying a close coming together with the people that have meant so much to us in our lives here. This past week, being the last week of term 2 here […]
The Photo Gallery | Sun
Winter here in New Zealand and the colours at twilight are often my favourite. It is when I feel closest to family on the other side of the world, basking in a well over-due heat wave. As the light leaves our sky I know it is stirring in their sky. I love the sun, not […]
Write to Read iPad App – Perfect for recording those special memories
I was delighted to be asked to review a ground-breaking new iPad app, which has just launched on the App Store in the UK, called WriteReader. It is aimed at 3 to 10 year olds (and I have three children in that age bracket!). My children are absolute technology lovers, which I am okay with […]
Grateful for an evening of greatness & a moment by the bay…
It’s been a blustery few days and I’ve been caught up in life, children and de-cluttering in preparation for our big move, but today I knew a run was definitely needed; especially after a little over-indulgence of champagne the night before – in the grand company of my neighbour… we sneaked out to watch ‘The […]
Prose for Thought – The greenstone that seeded my love for New Zealand
Before I ever laid a foot in Aotearoa (New Zealand) I received the gift of a pounamu (greenstone) necklace, beautifully carved in the eternity symbol, from my boyfriend who had left England to take up a job in Aotearoa. The year was 1996 and I had planned to join him in February 1997, on a […]
Things I’m Loving
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is. Loving sunny days after a storm… and a huge tree swing (that survived the storm – which I could’t let pass without a poem!). Loving this pair of cute […]
Prose for Thought – After the Longest Night
Ten years ago I was labouring long and hard to bring my first born daughter into the world. This is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago, remembering her arrival into the world. ________________________________________________
The Photo Gallery | Green
I used to think blue was my favourite colour, like the ocean and a perfect summer’s sky, but more and more it is green that really rocks me. I love all the contrasting shades of green in nature, and the vibrancy of trees after a heavy rain. I love the inviting canopy of a lush, […]
Grateful for the calm after the storm…
The raging sea is quiet, fishing boats at ease. The ferry glides out the harbour, a sight to please. The planes descend, to a Wellington of calm. From the sky all looks fine, though the beaten coast needs many caring hands. Sea walls completely washed away, footpaths and roads a mess. Sand dunes dealt a massive blow, […]
The winter solstice storm that struck Wellington, June 2013 | A Poem
The past few days in Wellington have witnessed the destructive force of nature at a magnitude not seen in decades. Debris litters the south coast, with sand dunes and sea walls obliterated, trees torn from their roots, slabs of concrete cracked and moved like putty in a giant’s hands. Many thousands of people have been […]
Wellington was definitely WILD at heart last night!
Loving this twitter #storm #party in #wellington tonight! Still got power & iPhone charged to 100%, so I'm up for a big one! — Sarah Lee (@BritMumInNZ) June 20, 2013 If this storm was in any other nz city, it would have destroyed everything. Here any things built flimsy blew away years ago. #storm13 — […]