Author: BritMumInNZ
Prose for Thought | The anxiety of separation
Her face was just like all the rest, on pick up time at three. The adrenaline that had twisted thick, buried for a spell. The anguish of the morning, the torment of the night. The constant torture of anxiety, that steals family time. It even creeps upon us at weekends, when we’re trying to forget….
Prose for Thought
This week my ‘Prose for Thought’ contribution is derived from trying to settle two of my children into a new school, in a new country. Progress is slow and painful. My husband and I feel like we’re going through the early weeks with our first child all over again – such is the extent of…
So grateful for this man!
It’s been Father’s Day in New Zealand (and a few other countries around the world) this weekend. Seeing as the man of the house is father to three New Zealand born daughters we decided to celebrate his awesomeness this Sunday, here in America. I reckon, for most parents, the best mother’s or father’s day is…
Things I’m Loving
Merry-go-rounds and sisters Sunshine and convertibles Pretzels and chilled drinks Shopping areas with architectural flair Sea creatures and an inquisitive child Water fountains and wishes New cafes, tastes and children who are willing to try (at least two out of our three are!) ____________________________________________ Joining in this week with the wonderful Meghan of ‘The Adventures…
First impressions | School life in America
School commenced for two of our three children yesterday. Our ten year old has been attending school in New Zealand for five years and, apart from a somewhat dissatisfying, unchallenging experience in her first three years, she has pretty much excelled. She thrived at a private girls school she attended for the past two years…
The Photo Gallery | Pets
This week’s theme on the wonderful ‘Photo Gallery’ at Sticky Fingers blog is ‘Pets’. We’re away from our home in New Zealand and not able to keep pets right now, but there’s some cute little geckos here in Santa Barbara that are very entertaining… And there’s a whole new birdlife to get to know, which…
The days before routines return
Tomorrow school starts for the year. Two of our three children will start at a new school, in a new country, in a completely different hemisphere. Our Miss 10 is coming from a private girls school in Wellington, New Zealand. Our Miss 7 is coming from a couple of years of free-spirited ‘natural learning’ (home…
Exploring new ground: Labyrinth
Running a new trail, no preconceptions Following the track, as long as it runs. Uphill legs are taken without knowing Desire to explore overriding exertion. Unexpected surprises of nature – Cross the path ahead, & sour in the sky. A labyrinth of trails, for mind and soul – Prick the senses, revive the body. ©…
A Week of Firsts in Santa Barbara: The Good & The Bad…
It’s been a week of firsts here in Santa Barbara. First time for driving on the ‘wrong’ side of the road; first purchase of a brand new car (a very nice 2014 Acura MDX) in America (serious paper work!), with the driver’s seat on the left hand side; first time dinging a rental vehicle three…
The Photo Gallery | World Photography Day
To my dear husband, A special photo I took today. A moment in time. The marking of a new chapter in our lives. We are going to have an amazing time here, I am sure of it, especially once we are properly settled. We are so fortunate to have been blessed with wonderful childhoods in…
Prose for Thought | First Touch of the Pacific
It’s been just over a week since we landed in L.A. We are settling in, doing all the usual necessities of any new expat; setting up bank accounts, getting ourselves some wheels, getting to know the money, the shops, the food and become accustomed to the climate (which, as we already anticipated, is very favourable)….
The Photo Gallery | Relax
She naps, I read, her older sisters are happily playing. For a moment I enjoy the still. No one asking when breakfast, lunch or dinner is ready. No one asking where socks are or how to work some technological gadget. A voice inside tells me to ‘relax’ and enjoy this moment. After weeks of preparing…
First Impressions on California #1
People are genuinely friendly here on the Californian coast – not a single, ‘Have a nice day!’, with a cheesy grin, yet to be encountered. People have time to help, and sometimes go out of their way to help with advice or assistance in a store or cafe – especially when they hear we are…