Loving – Finding contentment in the moment, whilst aching for New Zealand

Loving the time my daughters are sharing together. I haven’t seen my oldest two so close for years and our youngest is loving the constant interaction of having her older sisters around. Loving the natural flow of our days, where ‘fitness’ is a swim in the pool, a bike ride to the village or a […]

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Things I’m Loving – This week away in San Francisco

Love that inspiration comes in all forms and life is never quite how it looks… Enjoyed a visit to The Exploratorium in San Francisco this week, where life definitely wasn’t all it seemed to be! We could have spent days there. The highlight for all three girls was playing with their shadows… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpswCx80bc&w=640&h=480] Love this […]

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New country, species and discoveries

We’ve seen the groundhogs, (also known as woodchucks), playing peek-a-boo, we’ve stopped in our tracks as a little (or not so little) lizard dashes across our path (or up a wall of the house) and we’ve noticed the colourful, varied birdlife and numerous damsel-flys and dragon-flys. Living in a new country offers great opportunity for […]

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