Loving the time my daughters are sharing together. I haven’t seen my oldest two so close for years and our youngest is loving the constant interaction of having her older sisters around. Loving the natural flow of our days, where ‘fitness’ is a swim in the pool, a bike ride to the village or a […]
Author: BritMumInNZ
Prose for Thought | Gliding in with the Fall
Autumn in Santa Barbara is not like any autumn I’ve ever experienced. It feels like summer, minus the long, light evenings. But there is still a change in the air, however slight it may seem to this British born lass, used to living in windy Wellington, New Zealand, for well over a decade! There are […]
Back from our road trip to San Francisco
What a trip! Exhausting with three children and a husband working hard in the office Monday to Friday! It wasn’t a holiday, but most certainly an adventure and an experience – with some amazing sights either side of the working week and a couple of incredible weekends either side. The drive back, from San Francisco […]
Things I’m Loving – This week away in San Francisco
Love that inspiration comes in all forms and life is never quite how it looks… Enjoyed a visit to The Exploratorium in San Francisco this week, where life definitely wasn’t all it seemed to be! We could have spent days there. The highlight for all three girls was playing with their shadows… [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcpswCx80bc&w=640&h=480] Love this […]
Prose for Thought – Over the rooftops of San Francisco in Fall
Inspiration for this poem is from a week staying in San Francisco. A beautiful, sunshine week in early Fall, but the beauty marred by the number of people sleeping rough on the streets; and the answers I sometimes struggle to give to the questions my children ask. Linking up with others that like to write […]
The Photo Gallery | Through the eyes of my phone
We are up in San Francisco this week and ‘The Photo Gallery’ prompt of ‘Through the eyes of my phone’ couldn’t have been more apt. I’m touring the streets of San Francisco, with three children in tow, and as much as I’d love to have time to take classy photos with my Canon DSLR I […]
Silent Sunday
Country Kids in California
Driving up the West Coast of California, north from Santa Barbara, we made a pit stop at a place in the country called Avila Valley Barn for a ‘Fall’ experience Californian style. The youngest of our family was the most enthralled. She tore into her roasted sweetcorn with the appetite of a cowgirl that had […]
Gems of family life in Santa Barbara
Two weeks into staying in the house we have leased for a year we are beginning to feel a little more settled. We are finding our way, had friends round for drinks (all be it friends from New Zealand that are also setting out on this new journey with children in tow), been out for […]
Silent Sunday
A little bit of loving and an action plan
It’s a strange feeling living in a place without commitment, with three children in tow. It’s all very well saying, ‘Live in the moment,’ but to really immerse in a place one has to put out a lot of energy. Whilst nurturing friendships in our country of origin, we also have to open up – […]
New country, species and discoveries
We’ve seen the groundhogs, (also known as woodchucks), playing peek-a-boo, we’ve stopped in our tracks as a little (or not so little) lizard dashes across our path (or up a wall of the house) and we’ve noticed the colourful, varied birdlife and numerous damsel-flys and dragon-flys. Living in a new country offers great opportunity for […]
Decisions made & always some things to love!
What a crazy couple of weeks we have had here. We’ve finally settled into the house we’ll be based in for a year. It’s very pleasant here – the climate, the people, the environment – tick, tick, tick… but after spending over a decade of our lives making New Zealand our home, we don’t have […]