Summer, I love you, as does my bare skin… and here follows a poem on the simplicity of summer and how it makes me feel so good, with its long daylight hours and salty sea kisses… Linking up with…
Author: BritMumInNZ
Summer holiday loves, at home in Wellington
This is such a magic summer we’re having back in Wellington, New Zealand. Having hubby not working has made the school holidays all the more special (and less stressful!) too. We have just over a week left before our two older girls start the school year (our now 9 year old homeschooler is giving school…
The Photo Gallery | Me
The ‘Me’ I am today, in 2015, as a forty year old parent to three daughters, is a very different ‘Me’ to who I was eleven year’s ago, before I became a parent. I wouldn’t have hesitated to head out the door then – for a run, a kayak, a night out, a weekend away –…
Running, bubbles & gin
I can’t say I run because I love it, but I run because I need it. I need how it makes me feel. I love the calm and mental clarity I feel after a run. I love the feeling of elation and satisfaction that I get from setting myself a goal and accomplishing it. I…
New Year’s Day | Blessed with sunshine, sea & friends
As the sun set on 2014, after an inclement day of weather in Wellington, New Zealand, we gathered at one of our neighbour’s homes, along with other lovely folk in the community that we are blessed to have in our lives, sharing this parenting journey. Pizza and puddings was the perfect combination, with fireworks at…
Beach days, dog days & sunshine paced living
Between Christmas and New Year we’ve had some perfect days; the kind that leave a person feeling completely content at day’s end and very grateful to have a loving, healthy family, living in a peaceful pocket of the world. As I write, on New Year’s Eve in New Zealand, on the last day of 2014, the…
December reflections | Christmas, a Birthday & holidaying
It’s been a wonderful few weeks of holidaying in the countryside of the Wairarapa, enjoying the build up to Christmas, and our daughter Sophie’s Boxing Day Birthday, catching up with friends and enjoying the long light evening’s of summer. Our oldest daughter finished school for the year at the beginning of December and we’re loving…
Christmas & my Pohutukawa Fairy!
We’ve got the tree up and are feeling festive. The Christmas CD’s have been dusted off and we’ve had our first sing along around the piano. The weather (it’s supposed to be summer in New Zealand now) is very northern hemisphere… with a few days of sunshine to remind us that summer is ‘here’, it’s…
It’s beginning to feel like home again
Blogging has been sporadic this past month, on hearing from Crown Relocations that our container load of belongings was finally going to be delivered back to our home in Wellington. I was determined to have the house organised, with storage space for everything that was coming. We’d purchased a few extra things whilst away in the…
My Babies | The Photo Gallery
The theme on ‘The Photo Gallery‘ is ‘Babies’ and I couldn’t resist a trip down memory lane… Each of them entered this world with a unique birth story (as we all do!), which I do think has contributed some what to their personalities. They were made with the love of my husband and I, both of…
Mini Creations
A tweet reminded me of this lovely ‘Linky’ (‘Mini Creations‘ by Kid GL loves), run by a couple of great kids, in the UK, to celebrate the creations our children produce. All too often I wish I’d taken a photograph of a particular creation – but then the moment has passed, the item has been…
The Photo Gallery | Pets, Unpacking & Walks
I’ve not blogged for more than a fortnight and one of the delightful reasons is having a couple of new pets in the home! The less than delightful reason; all our container load of belongings finally arrived from our year and a bit living in the USA. So, in between unpacking well over one hundred…
The Gallery | Yellow
The colour of summer is blooming in the coastal sand dunes around New Zealand. This hardy, introduced Ice Plant, the Hottentot Fig, blooms along the coastline in startling beauty. Its colour stands defiantly bright, on even the wildest spring days in Wellington; scattered along walkways and through coastal dunes, as the wind bustles on through….
New Pets & An Unexpected Meeting | Magic Moments
‘Where’s puppy gone?’ I asked, having become quickly accustomed to him sitting by my feet and following my every move. No one answered. No one had seen him. It was then I realised how quiet it was – and remembered that I’d left our new bunny, Fudge, to free roam upstairs (he’d quickly learned to…