An egg in our mail-box! Two black-birds trapped in the living room – which I had to catch by hand and release (and then clean-up the mess!). A cat with a sore tooth, which lost the tooth on the way to the vets (Charlotte says the cat fairy will be visiting!). A lost dog called […]
Author: BritMumInNZ
Guy Fawkes: A Dwindling Event?
Guy Fawkes is still celebrated in New Zealand, but the private sale of fireworks is under threat. Even in York, England, and other places in the UK there will be no big bangs and bonfires as local councils get increasingly risk-averse. We usually stock up on a box of sparklers, to use for special events […]
A bird who thinks our mailbox makes a great nest!
Mailboxes aren’t quite the same in New Zealand: Birds nest in them! We drove up our driveway to see a bird flying in and out our mailbox with twigs in its beak! For the past few days we thought a neighbour was trying to tell us something (clean-up your driveway!); but no, it was simply […]
Whilst waiting for the car to pass its W.O.F….
The best thing about taking one’s car into Wellington City for a W.O.F. is no parking fees – yah! With the weather warm and calm we whiled away a couple of hours at Waitangi Park before making our way back to the garage to see how our ‘ole motor was getting on. Anticipating a probable […]
Did you feel the magic?
The division between the spiritual and material worlds softened this evening and the magic was powerful over Capital E; in Wellington’s Civic Square. There was a strong sense that King Arthur was amongst us as we journeyed into the medieval castle. It was with trepidation that we ventured into the Medieval Horror Hall and it […]
Jealousy and Affection: Sophie’s Nearly Two!
Sophie, at two month’s shy of her second Birthday, today demonstrated what I knew was on the horizon. What was to be our regular, pleasurable afternoon visit to the local playground turned into misery for Sophie and I. Jealousy struck at the heart of Sophie’s emotions and she was in despair. Charlotte, now an independent, […]
Kaka Frenzy at Karori Wildlife Sanctuary
In the midst of Wellington City is Karori Wildlife Sanctuary. New Zealand stood alone from the rest of the world for 85 million years. The only native land-mammal is the short and long-tailed bat (peka peka). Bird life used to be prolific and only on offshore islands, now cleared of introduced predators, can people get […]
Track & Lego: Simple Harmony
Charlotte went on her first Kindi excursion last week and she didn’t show a trace of nerves. On the contrary, she gloated that, ‘You can’t come. It’s for Kindi teachers and children only.’. She went to see ‘Thomas Saves the Day’ and travelled into the city, by bus, from her Kindi. She absolutely LOVED the […]
Spring Fun in the Garden: Dance to the Plants!
The good weather and long-weekend provided the perfect opportunity to get green fingered with the children. Charlotte delighted in writing labels to accompany our freshly planted tomato plants and hiding peas in the soil to the chant of, ‘Hail the pea-pods!’. With a bit of luck we’ll be enjoying fresh tomatoes, strawberries and peas throughout […]
Beach Fun with Daddy
This Labour Weekend the girls delighted in having an extra day with their Daddy (whilst in Wanaka the annual Speights ‘Find the Perfect Woman Competition‘ was held). The weather was beautiful and Sunday morning was spent at Lyall Bay Beach with Daddy creating a sand airplane for the girls. Whilst Sophie and I took a […]
Sophie: The Wellington Cafe Critic!
Sophie reports: At close to two year’s of age I am already becoming a Wellington Cafe Critic; though my criteria for a good cafe are somewhat different to those of my dear Mummy. Living in Houghton Bay, I am lucky to have a number of top Wellington cafe’s within toddling distance. On occasion, Mummy drives […]
Pacific Festival Rocks Te Papa
Te Papa had been transformed this Labour weekend; into a bright beacon of colour and music from the Pacific. We approached the entrance and gasped at the colourful ribbon, stars and banners hanging from the main foyer. Charlotte laughed hysterically at this ‘full’ head of afro hair saying, ‘He’s wearing a microphone on his head!’: […]
Crafty Charli
Whilst Sophie enjoyed her nap the other day, Charlotte and I got crafty making masks and necklaces. There was glitter everywhere; the more the better!
Close Encounter
KEVAN ANDERTON/Dominion Post JUST VISITING: A 12-metre southern right whale has been cruising Wellington’s coastline since Sunday.