It’s not even December and everywhere I turn there’s a flyer for another Christmas Festival or event in one of Wellington’s many suburbs []. With the good weather shining its blessing on Wellington we ventured into the city on Saturday to be greeted by music, jugglers, face-painting, merry-go-round and bouncy castle. It’s wonderful to share […]
Author: BritMumInNZ
The eggs have hatched!
Our mailbox isn’t receiving any mail at the moment; since it’s been inhabited by a Mummy bird and her chicks! It’s so incredible to take a peek at them each day and see them growing. Every time we drive up our driveway the Mummy bird makes a quick exit. Hungry beaks greet us when we […]
Blast from the past: Abel Tasman National Park
Our last trip to Nelson and the stunning Abel Tasman was six week’s after the birth of our first daughter, Charlotte. It was a trip down memory lane for Dan and I; as we’d spent a memorable trip independently kayaking the Abel Tasman. The Nelson region is simply stunning. With a mixture of beach (Abel […]
Chilling out at The Bach
This morning Sophie and I met up with good friend Marrisa and her beautiful daughter, Bethany. It was a tad windy at Island Bay playground and us ladies were keen for a coffee. We drove round to The Bach. This cafe, from the outside, is just like a traditional Kiwi bach – a simple, wooden, […]
From Snow to Surf: Happy 70th Aunty Olga!
We woke this morning to an e-mail from ‘Chicken’ Grandma and Grandad (because they make brilliant animal noises on the telephone!) with photographs of them in the snow and Grandad having some beers with his big sister, Aunty Olga, on her 70th Birthday. Grandad Aspinall is one of seven and they are all absolutely brilliant […]
Christmas Parade: Already!
Why does Wellington always hold it’s Christmas Parade in November?! I have no answer to this question, but it’s resulted in the build-up starting early and the girls have been insisting on getting out a few decorations – already. We haven’t gone crazy (yet!), but we’re only weeks away. I probably fuel their excitement as […]
Worser Bay; far from it!
Worser Bay on the Miramar Peninsula, close to Seatoun (Wellington), possesses a magic that makes it so much more than its name suggests. On Saturday morning we drove round the coastal road, from Lyall Bay, past Breaker Bay and down into Seatoun to be greeted by a holiday scene. Footsteps through the warm sand and […]
Blast from the past: The Milford Track
In March 1997 we walked The Milford Track, which is arguably one of the most beautiful tracks in the World. The Department of Conservation limit the number of walkers on the track to preserve the outstanding natural beauty and delicate environment. Hence, everything we took in had to be brought out to avoid any potential […]
Sophie (at 22 months) Rocks the Plunket Nurse!
Sophie had her ‘Plunket‘ check (health-nurse) this week and it was really just a formality as I know she is absolutely fine on all levels. When it came to her ‘weigh-in’ Sophie started to cry (a rarity for her!) and I said to Sophie, ‘Well, never mind, it’s really not necessary as you’re obviously not […]
Peer Pressure at Four
I never thought I’d have to have this ‘chat’ with Charlotte so early, but sadly it starts young. Of course ‘peer pressure’ is both good and bad. The populace of Charlotte’s Kindi mirrors society in that mostly it is good, but there are some negative elements also. It only takes the occasional bad ‘ring leader’ […]
Clean your teeth, not your bottom Sophie!
Sophie was prancing around prior to bath-time with her toothbrush between her legs – this is the conversation that followed: Mum: “Sophie, clean your teeth with your toothbrush, not your bottom!” Sophie: “Fanny! Tee, hee, hee!” Mum (with half worried, half amused face): “Sophie, what was that you said?” Sophie: “Fanny! Tee, hee!” Mum: “Who […]
A Holiday at Home!
Today really felt like a holiday. The weather has been glorious and we are really revving up for our second summer in our new house. It’s great to wake up and be happy to spend the day in and around your home. This morning we took a leisurely stroll to Island Bay enjoying the stunning […]
Charlotte takes on the climbing wall!
It’s a first for Charlotte! She has mastered most of the climbing frames in Wellington and I knew she was ready for a climbing wall: so we headed to Fergs Kayaks on the waterfront. She was SO excited and a complete natural. She needed little instruction apart from a gentle reminder to not hold onto […]
A Taste of Summer
Friday brought beautiful sunshine to Wellington and the girls delighted in a chance for some water play in the garden.