Dear Hunger, I shall never forget the way you looked, expressed on the lips of my first child. The milk she sought was slow in coming, after a prolonged and difficult birth. After several weeks and long, painful nights, of little sleep and endless nursing, her hunger was finally satisfied – but the weight of…
Author: BritMumInNZ
Dear Imagination… #AprilLove2016
Dear Imagination, I see you every day in my child’s eyes, in her creative play and questions, in the songs she sings and stories she tells, straight from the heart, with natural ease. Her mind has no limits, she can travel through changing dimensions, shape shifting her body through time and space. Today, on the…
That day when a sick day required fresh air therapy – at Tawatawa Reserve Loop
I’m a great believer in gentle exercise helping to heal the body and a few weeks back, when my ten year old daughter was fighting off a long lingering chesty cough, with a dose of antibiotics, I took her out to explore a Wellington trail we’d not explored before. The walk, located in the hills…
Journey running as opposed to road running
I’m reading a marvellous book at the moment called, ‘The World at My Feet‘, by Tom Denniss “In 2013, Australian Tom Denniss became the fastest person to circumnavigate the world on foot. His epic journey lasted nearly two years, and for each of the 622 days it took him to run around the planet, Tom…
Dear morning… (with children on a school day)
Dear morning, If it was just you and me, I reckon we’d get on just fine, But, as it is, my morning mood – isn’t mine to own. You see, I share my waking moments – with my children (and my husband). Their voices sway my emotions – though I try so hard not to…
Dear Home… #AprilLove2016 & Day 4 of #NaPoWriMo
Dear Home… It took me many years to love you, without a gnawing pain in my heart. For many years I ached to return – To the land where I was born and raised, to the family I said farewell to, and the place of my ancestors. It took me years to accept you, but…
Dear Love… #AprilLove2016 & Day 3 of #NaPoWriMo
Dear Love, I need to ramble, hand in hand with you, through the woodlands and over hills, snatching tingling kisses on frosty days, warming up in your embrace. Time to plan, wish and dream, seemed endless then. Those thoughts have now become our life – marriage, children, a home to call our own. We’ve travelled…
Sunday Photos from Carlucciland
Carlucciland never loses its appeal. We drive past it every day on the way to school and my six year old, in particular, always asks when we can fit in a game. Well, today, with hubby keeping our ten year old and her friend amused (with a lovely trip over the hill to Martinborough for…
Seeking Renewal in Autumn – a poem as the clocks turn back
The days are shorter, closing in, I DEFY them to dampen my mood, (shouting loudly to the sun, setting earlier each night). After all, the weather is still fine, outdoor pursuits remain inviting, I just need to better manage my time, (or start wearing a head torch). I fill my house with candles, repeating an…
You lit up the sky… a poem | Day 1 #NaPoWriMo
It’s National Poetry Writing Month (or Global Poetry Writing Month)! This is an annual project in which participating poets attempt to write a poem a day for the month of April (more information here). I’m not much of a poet, but I do enjoy trying to capture what I see and feel in words. I haven’t written…
Magic Moments from Easter Weekend, in Wellington & Martinborough
School finished on the Thursday before Easter with a very touching Easter Service in the Wellington Cathedral, especially as our oldest daughter sang in the ‘Choral’ and our youngest with the ‘Princess Singers’ choir. I popped into my youngest daughter’s classroom afterwards and saw this beautiful nature arrangement. Good Friday morning was a relaxed start…
A wish on a prayer flag on Wellington’s waterfront
We spent a glorious sunshine Saturday on Wellington’s waterfront under the incredible ‘Fly Me up to Where You Are New Zealand‘ prayer flag installation as part of the New Zealand Festival. The waterfront of Wellington has been abuzz with events this summer. The glorious weather has helped to make it all the more special and…
Cigna Achilles Half Marathon – Wellington 2016
Just over a month has passed since I ran my fourth half-marathon, around the bays of Wellington. This is such a fun, community supported event, with Cigna Insurance as the principal event partner. The event’s charity partner is the amazing ‘Achilles International New Zealand‘ (a 100% volunteer organisation), that supports Kiwis with disabilities to participate alongside able-bodied…
Under a painted sky
Standing under a painted sky – feeling a childlike wonder – as fiery colours touched the soul, and eyes sought out magic. The sky stretched out, like a canvas – Open to interpretation. Clouds with backbones and skeletal forms, Alive with reflected light. © Sarah Lee, 29 February 2016 Linking up with –